Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Deos Gratias

It is time to participate in Deos Gratias and list thing we're thankful for during our week.  Just click on the link to participate.

1)  I am thankful that my daughter is willing to babysit for a friend for 1 hour two times a week in the wee early morning so that she can go swim.  She has three young children and I love the fact that we can help her out.

2)  I am thankful that I did not have to go to the swim meet tonight as we had a lot of rain and it is cloudy and the grounds all wet.  I am concerned about my daughter though as she is a lifeguard and had to work all day and now participate in the meet.  It was sunny until the early evening.  I brought her lunch and hubby will buy her something for dinner.  I am grateful that she has a job.

3)  I am thankful for the red lilies in front of our house.  They are so beautiful and remind me of God's beautiful creation.

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