Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ultimate Moment with Son


A few months ago, my second oldest son was home from college and I showed him the hospital records from his birth.  His is twenty-one years old now and is a beautiful person.

Unfortunately, he was born on the mental ward of the hospital and the records I showed him were the hospitals notes on my condition.  It was plain to see that I was not feeling very well with PTSD from an assault earlier in my life and mental anguish from a difficult pregnancy.

He is majoring in psychology and is presently finishing up his junior year.  Therefore, I thought it was a good time to show him the hospital records as there was a court case regarding my insurance for workers compensation.  He would find out about it some day.  I didn't want him to find the records when I had passed onto the next life without talking to me.

He was wordless after he read the hospital report.  A few weeks later, he came home again and asked me what happened the night he was born.  I proceeded to tell him that I was having symptoms from my illness and had to be hospitalized.  I was having severe labor pain in my back.

I was placed on the mental ward and would walk between my bedroom and another room trying to get comfortable on the beds for my back while moaning about the labor pains.  Finally, I thought I had to go to the restroom.  On my way out of the restroom, out he came...onto the floor.  He was crying and doctors said it was a good thing the umbilical cord broke.

I should have picked him up but the nurse came in as she must have heard his cries.  She picked him up to bring him to the maternity ward and another nurse came in to be with me.  It was definitely one of the hardest times in my life.

After the story, he gave me a huge hug and we embraced each other in love.  This was something I never told him as he was growing because his young mind would not understand it.  I've wanted desperately to tell him how much I love him and I picked the right time.  I finally felt great release to be able to communicate this to him.

All the years, having these memories in my heart about his difficult beginnings every time he accomplished something or reached a milestone.  I would think, "If he only knew how far he has come."  So often quite tears come to me as I think of him.

Now he knows.  We can share in the moment together and be glad we have overcome it together.  It was hard when my husband brought him home from the hospital and I had to stay there for another two weeks.  My heart was aching but I was having much difficulty.  Upon my return home, one of the greatest love stories began in my life by caring for my beautiful son.  My son is here and he is thriving!! I am so blessed to have a Lord who helped us overcome the odds!!

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