Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday

What a wonderful opportunity to post the things we are thankful for during our week at Thankful Thursday.  Here is my list:

- The nicer weather for a few days here in Maryland so that my son and our new puppy and I enjoyed a walk together.

- The father-daughter dance at my daughter's Catholic school.

- The Blue and Gold dinner for my son's cub scout pack.

- The Valentine's candy a sent to my two college sons (even though it is late).

- The energy to clean and organize a little the other day.

- A potential new doctor.

- 2% milk - it gives me energy and I think I need the Vitamin D for my bones.

- The authentic history and theology my girls are learning at school.

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