Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sabbath Moments

I'm joining Colleen's meme at Sabbath Moments today where we just list peaceful moments we've had where we cease from the craziness of the world.  I have a bad head cold today so understand that my sabbath moments are meant to help me feel physically better.  You will see that I feel quite miserable today.  Here are my sabbath moments:

1)  I took a hot bath because my body had all these aches and pains.  The heat in the bathroom cleared my sinuses up for a little while.

2)  I sat on the back deck with hubby and watched the sunset.  There were many pink clouds and it was good for my cold to get some fresh air.

3)  I planned my lesson for my son's class I will be teaching on Monday.  Hubby was raking the leaves outside with my son and it was nice and peaceful to think about a plan for the class.  My daughter was in her room studying.

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