Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Eileen is Grateful

Every Wednesday Judy's blog at A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings gives us the opportunity to express five of the Lord's blessings upon us in which we are extremely grateful.  These are worthy moments in time to share with eachother and remember.  Please click on the link to participate (to be added soon).

1)  I am so thankful for the speaker that came to my daughter's high school from the Archdiocese of Washington to talk to the girls about religious freedom.  She was extremely intelligent and insightful referencing current events and court cases in which our religious freedom is under assault.  It was a great benefit for the high school girls to hear her words of wisdom that honor our American traditions and Catholic faith.

2)  I am grateful for the teaching moments encountered with my middle school daughter in history where her text book referenced the National Organization for Women (NOW) while studying about the 60's and 70's.  With all the fuss Obama is trying to make about 'women's rights,' she brought up NOW verbally with me and I was able to instruct her on some of their faulty principles.  She knows the truth about the true dignity of women as referred to by the Great Pope John Paul II in one of his many encyclicals.

3)  I am very thankful for my daughter's high school theology teacher.  Her class viewed a film about homosexuality which was tolerant towards the sinner but unacceptable to the behavior.  The film showed real current events where homosexuals displayed violence towards Christians - this is not tolerance in which they claim to be the experts.  She knows the truth.

4)  I am grateful that I was able to bring my daughter and her friend to the mall for a couple hours this past weekend.  While they were shopping, I sat in a restaurant and prepared my lesson for my middle schooler history class the next day.  It was beautiful weather and I was able to sit outside with a yummy smoothie.

5)  I am very thankful for the peaceful Mother's Day celebration we had on Sunday and the great birthday celebration for my husband yesterday.  The cake turned out great because we used a lot of butter to keep it from sticking on the pans.

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