Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Finding Joy during the Holidays

It is now Advent season and my two youngest children and I have began our Jesse Tree.  This is all being done in the midst of cleaning, decorating, shopping and preparing for Christmas.  So often, at this time of year, I wonder how it will all get done.  Worry and anxiety can set into my mind.  Then, something wonderful happens.  I hear the voices of my children.  I hear and see how they are growing and showing compassion to eachother. 

I take a moment to turn to my Bible to read a passage:  "A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace; in peace, for its trust in you." (Isaiah 26:3)  My life is really such a joy with Christ at the helm.  Even though it is a bit hectic and disorganized at this time, the voices of my children cause me to send up a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord.  His Word reminds me that those who keep their minds on Him will have great peace.  Any worry or anxiety seems to melt away as I read God's Word and prepare for the day ahead.  Let God's Word melt your troubles away.  How do you prepare for the coming of the Lord during Advent?

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