Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook - November

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for November.

Outside my Window...the first part of November in Maryland has been blessed with mostly pleasant sunny days in the 60's.  It is now after Thanksgiving and a bit cooler in the 40's or 50's as a high.  We've had a couple cold windy days. Yesterday was very cold at the last Maryland football tailgate.  You can spot me as I'm one of the moms without a nice Maryland scarf!

I am Thinking...that the month will be filled with joy since all five of my children will be able to be here on Thanksgiving!  It was filled with joy but I didn't feel good part of the time.  I'm going to the doctor Friday.

I am also thinking that it is better for me to be in the nursery with all the little ones at our coop.  I was going to my son's science class for one period to help out but they are very organized and don't really need my help.  I can sing my Creation song to the little ones and show them the pictures.  Last coop, I was able to present it to the pre-schoolers and they seemed very receptive.

I am also feeling a bit uncomfortable about the daughter of our good friends who is pregnant and engaged to be married after the birth.  She sent my own son a text the other day.  She shouldn't be thinking about other men.  Anyway, maybe it's just a friend thing...but it doesn't appear to be innocent to me.  I don't understand the way people do things today.  I guess I'm just old fashioned.

I am Thankful...for the handgun safety course I took at the beginning of the month even though I couldn't finish the end of the class.  It was given by an experienced police officer and was very interesting.  I learned some things I didn't know before. 

In the Kitchen...Thanksgiving was great.  Hubby and I worked together to make the feast.  I have to find a better sweet potato recipe though. Here are some pics:

I am Wearing...Black jeans and low boots with a black and red sweater.  We will be attending the Maryland tailgate today.  Therefore, it's red and black colors today. 

I am Reading...My son started a new book I'm helping him with called Red Hugh, Prince of Donegal by Robert T. Reilly.  I'll be helping him with his book report.  He is in fifth grade.

I am Creating...A schedule for inviting more kids to my Journal Writing Class on the Monday after Thanksgiving.

I am Looking Forward to...I looked forward to going to the beach with my husband this weekend.

I am dishwasher.

Around the House...We have a new vacuum and my rugs are nice and clean...including the steps!

I am Praying...for our family!

One of My Favorite Things...was being able to have a family discussion about disciplining my fifth grader.  Yes - it was one of my favorite things believe it or not. Patrick was getting a bit difficult to teach at times and I needed more help.  My husband and older son both spoke with him about his behavior.  The last three days have gone much more smoother since we took away some priviledges.  Such as:  1) no computer games or technology; 2) no cartoons / only educational shows; 3) no playing with the neighborhood kids after school if he acts up.

Another one of my favorite things was attending a field trip to the Underground Railroad site in our county.  Here is a pic of our group:

This is the slave quarters.

We are standing in front of a big hollowed out tree where the slaves could hide if they were on the run. 

A Few Plans for Next Week...attend the parent coffee at my daughter's school.

Here is a recent pic to share of Thanksgiving:

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Typical Homeschooling Day

My fifth grader is homeschooled and here is a record of a typical homeschool day from yesterday.  Yes, it was halloween but we still were diligent in doing our work.  Afterwards, my son went out with his big brother for an hour before he got dressed for trick-or-treating with the neighborhood kids.  Neighbors gathered in our court for a potluck and fellowship.

Religion:  Study and discuss two paintings of the Nativity and Coronation

Math:  Converting Units of Weight and Mass (Saxon 65 - second edition)

English:  Exercise on Nouns of Prepositions

Handwriting:  Cursive

History:  Complete chapter review on Andrew Jackson and Map Skills (Latitude and Longitude)

Reading:  Read stories on the Wright Brothers and the Israelites and answer questions

Phonics:  Work on dipthongs

Science:  Complete review quiz on brain and nerves

Spelling:  Spelling Test

Vocabulary:  Exercises on passage containing words and writing the definitions, circling the correct word used in the meaning of a sentence, synonyms and antonyms

Nucleus of Life (Journal)-picture above: Write first draft paragraph of story about a character who displays virtue.

Science Coop work:  Stinging, Crawling, and Squirming Animals - Read chapter, complete worksheet, and make vocabulary cards

Physical Education:  Patrick has his last soccer game this Saturday.  He will be taking an Upward basketball program over the winter.

Art/Music:  He is learning from some wonderful teachers at his Coop.  We attend Coop once a week.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Vital Link Between the Laborer and the Needy

"The bread of charity is life itself for the needy; he who withholds it is a man of blood.  He slays his neighbor who deprives him of his living; he sheds blood who denies the laborer his wages." (Sirach 34: 22,23)

You see here how God speaks of the needy and the laborer in one breadth.  Our economy must support them both without favoring one over the other.  There is a delicate balance to maintain our economic system that must be adhered to.  The source of our prosperity comes from the hard working private sector.  After all, even the government can not function without a vital source.  So why do many liberals aim to overtax and over-regulate it?  A source that is overtaxed and over-regulated will not be able to support anything the right way.

If we want to support the needy with the "bread of charity," we need a strong source.  In fact, a source should always be strengthened because it is the generating force to support all citizens, even the needy, through various means...even through charity or welfare programs.  The source of money for government welfare comes from the private sector.  It would be better if the private sector developed their own welfare program without the government confiscating most of the money through red tape programs.  The private sector doesn't incentivize eternal dependence and single parenthood on its customers like the government does. The private sector incentivizes people to put more responsibility into their lives by expanding services and products that will be more efficient at finding all citizens what they need most.  Whether it be a good job, better day care, better schools, or more affordable cars and checking accounts, etc...

It must be very challenging to be a single parent on welfare.  I remember when I tried to work while I had my children in daycare and it was a pain in the neck.  The money I made all went back out the door to daycare.  I'm fortunate to be able to quit my job and stay at home while we raise our kids without being stuck on welfare.  What good was it for me to spend all my time working when I could be enjoying my children and raising them properly?  My career was not efficient at providing me a good salary as an incentive to keep working.  Plus...the amount of time I spent working took too much time away from my children.  My children and I became needy and my husband and I decided it would be better to homeschool the children.  When we were needy, my husband's salary was a blessing but my career became a liability. A single mother doesn't have a married partner to support her and her children.  So she turns to the government as her "husband."  If she works forty hours a week, her children are neglected for too long usually. This makes her children easy prey for liberal brainwashing in government run schools.  Little does she know that most of the taxes collected for welfare from the private sector go to the government employees who run the disastrous governmental welfare system.  Therefore, the private sector is her real friend...not the government.  It only appears to be the government.

It is plain to see that one can not give to the needy nor provide jobs for the laborer at the same time if  our source which provides efficiency in products and services is weak. We need the efficiency of the private sector to provide single mothers with better jobs and better schools.  The government is inefficient.  She will not receive efficiency from them. Therefore, when welfare recipients vote for a democrat, they are voting for more welfare money without the responsibility to provide for themselves with better products, services, and jobs in our economy.  Thus, they just turn to an inefficient government to give them less efficient products and services. The welfare recipients are digging themselves into a pit of "neediness" on an inefficient government because they've become accustomed to letting the government become their "husbands."  Believe me, one does not want to fall in love with crooks!

When speaking about the needy, it is good to reference this balancing act between the needy and the laborer.  Otherwise, one denies fair wages to the laborer when all they speak of is taking his/her wages through taxes to give to the needy.  After all, it is the laborer who can help support the needy.  Government employees do not accomplish much because they just spend all their time throwing money around to their various branches leading them in a vicious circle.  Nothing really ever gets done.  The private sector has the ability to meet the immediate needs of its customers in a direct and efficient manner.  I know government workers and hear this all the time.  Furthermore, when companies are efficient, their "workers" can be called employees.  "Workers" is a term used for progressives because they view the people who work for them to be like ants.

The government can not support the needy without the help of the private sector.  The private sector is where the government receives its finances through taxes.  The government can not produce its own funds. So why does the Obama administration work to oppress the private sector when it is filled with peace loving middle-class citizens that benefit our country and our government and can support the needy better?  This is not equality.  One should not favor people in one part...the government...over another vital part...the private sector.  The government has gotten too big and has been favored over the private sector in all Obuma's decisions.  We need both parts to make our economy strong while the source should always be put first.  The government must be limited to its power over citizens and must properly balance the link between the laborer and the needy. Why can't politicians explain this link between the laborer and the needy?  I think it would turn many of the thinking of those around who are too dependent on the government.

There are many smart and hard working citizens who need to have control of their own lives without the government burdening them with pharisee-like regulations.  The government should not be the only entity that comes up with ideas.  The ideas of this particular Obuma administration is intrinsically evil.  Putting all the power in the hands of leaders puts a burden on good citizens.

Good citizens are charitable to the needy without the government stealing too much from them in the form of taxes.  We are already at the tipping point in giving to the needy through inefficient programs.  If we continue to expand welfare and burden the private sector, the government will no longer have a source to tax.  In turn, the needy will not be able to rely on the government to provide a welfare program at all.  Why can't Mexican immigrants who vote democratic figure this out?  Can it be they do not perceive this link between laborers and the needy?  In order to support the needy, we have to have happy and healthy employees who hold good jobs.  Too many government jobs are wasteful and not needed to make our economy strong.

So you see, the source of sustenance for the welfare program comes from the private sector.  The needy should be taught this so that they know the source of their welfare payments needs to be strengthened.  They have to stop thinking the government needs to be strengthened because it is not the source.  We cannot destroy the source of our prosperity by solely relying on the government but must strengthen our private sector.  Politicians need to establish this vital link between the needy and the laborer.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


The liberals have revealed their true colors with Obuma as their new leader (pun not intended).  Remember...they call themselves pro-choice.  Well, if you have a choice - that means there is more than one option to choose from...whether to have a baby or abort a baby and whether to support abortion or remain free from supporting such an evil.  By issuing the HHS mandate and attempting to collectivize the controversial issue of abortion by forcing all people to support it through health insurance coverage, the liberals have shown that they do not want women to be able to have the choice to remain free from participating in or supporting this evil in any way.

Liberals are showing that they want to take away this choice. Look how the Obuma administration is going after the Little Sisters of the Poor. They "have never asked the court to prevent the government or insurance companies from offering this coverage to women who want it. They asked simply that they be allowed to continue to serve the elderly poor without violating their faith." Pro-Life individuals only want to practice their faith.  Liberals want to take this choice away from them or heavily fine them for not participating in their evil.  In other words, force Christians into compliance to support abortion through their insurance coverage they provide or put them out of business. There is absolutely no good reason to punish others for not supporting abortion.

This is not pro-choice but pro-force.  I would like to suggest that pro-lifers begin to call liberals by what they really are...PRO-FORCE.  They have to stop getting away with applying deceiving names to those who really have the intention of forcing everyone to support evil by hiding behind their fake labels called "pro-choice or gay marriage (which is not marriage)." Liberal leaders want to use abortion and homosexuality not only to have the right but also to prevent Christians from practicing their faith.  If they were not guilty, they wouldn't want to stop the morality that causes their guilt.  It is a well known fact that Christians have always been against these evils for thousands of years.  Therefore, the liberals can't hide behind the fact that they force support of abortion and homosexuality in these round about ways by punishment through severe monetary gains for themselves if one refuses to participate.  Their oppression of Christians is severe and intentional even though it appears to be indirectly injuring the innocent.  This is exactly why they had to release Kim Davis from prison because her punishment was a direct assault on her person rather than through the pocketbook.  Don't be fooled into thinking jail time for denying abortion and gay marriage are not their end game!  Furthermore, the DNC voted at their convention to take God out of their platform.  If anyone thinks any of these jokers are Christians when they call themselves Christians, they are being fooled.

There is no choice or freedom in a liberal's approach to politics and the economy.  They just move in to take control over what the Christian God has fostered to create in our country.  It is a fact that when tax rates are lowered there is a higher participation in employment, taxed activity, and output.  It is a sham that we haven't required our welfare recipients to learn this highly noble and valuable fact.  Thus, all our welfare recipients believe they have to vote democratic to maintain their welfare payments.  In reality, they are voting for the destruction of our rights and freedoms and paying into a more ineffective system.  Liberals are always trying to higher tax rates to pay for burdensome and ineffective programs.  Just like Planned Parenthood is ineffective in protecting the health of women and children.  Just look at the babies they've murdered for their body parts, lack of proper sterilization in their facilities, and mental anguish of many who've had abortions.  There is no good reason to force everyone to support such an evil as this.  Therefore, abortion rights liberals should not be called pro-choice but PRO-FORCE.

Just look at what they want to do to our Bill of Rights?  They are continually trying to violate our rights as American citizens and leave us without choices or freedom.  Liberals do not want Christians to be able to choose to remain free from participating in activities that violate their faith.  Thus they conjure up ways to force Christians into violating their faith by using and encouraging minorities to be victims that need to fight the Christian ideals as they pertain to nature in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  They are brainwashing all the wonderful minorities our country has accepted.  Look how they've tried to call the innocent victim in crimes the "guilty assaulter" (George Zimmerman, Ferguson, Baltimore). These were all unfortunate events instigated by the very people who blame it on race.  When the innocent is made out to be guilty because of race, a new form of nazism is attempting to rise up.  The nazis were race baters just like liberals are today.  The legal system is being utilized to FORCE innocent victims with a punishment.  PRO-FORCE!

This attitude is pervasive in our society.  I was assaulted in a woman's restroom.  Upon my return to work, I was worried and tried to get my employer to put bathroom locks on the doors.  Therefore, I was soon fired.  I was the victim, yet I was the one who was punished.  I also returned from maternity leave when I was pregnant with my firstborn at another job.  Upon my return, it was conveniently arranged that my transition to a new position take place and I was fired.  I was the victim because the new employee in my old position came into work extremely late almost every day.  It was what they wanted I guess.  I was there on time every day.  Yes, I was young and didn't know any better to make a transition at this time, but this doesn't make it right.  This is what I went through.  I can't imagine being a police officer today!

Look how Obama refuses to label terrorists by their true label...Islamic terrorists.  This is his attempt to FORCE American citizens into accepting the evil ways of Islam, including jihad and Sharia Law.  PRO-FORCE!  Will someone please wake up and start calling liberals PRO-FORCE.  (This statement doesn't mean I'm calling all Muslims terrorists.)

Their attempt at forcing Christians to encourage and support gay marriage is not honoring one's religious freedom.  They have a choice to find someone else to support their gay weddings.  Rather than show respect to the Christian by choosing another supplier, they sue the Christian when they decline services.  The law is being twisted for evil.  It is a PRO-FORCE situation and is evidence they want to punish and silence the Christian perspective.  It is the same situation with letting transgenders use women's restrooms.  Women who honor their modesty and dignity are being forced to sacrifice it for a pervert to use the restroom with them.  Most women honor their modesty and shouldn't be forced to share their privacy with strange men. 

The very fact that liberals attempt to take away choices and free debate and attempt to make blacks, Muslims, minorities, and gays favored over all others through deceptive language ("gay marriage, black lives matter, refusing to call them Islamic terrorists, gender identity, trying to stop calling some illegal aliens" etc.) giving them priviledge over others shows their desires to oppress traditional Americans.  The liberals are using deceptive language to cover up their use of FORCE onto a peaceful citizenry.  They are PRO-FORCE. Liberals have revealed their desire to FORCE Christians into submission by forcing heavy fines/taxes and non-negotiable burdens onto them. They need to stop trying to force Christians into supporting practices that go against their faith!  Blacks are attacking our police force, Muslims are murdering Christians, many illegal aliens are the first people to be chosen for many jobs while Americans are fired, and gays are persecuting Christians that refuse to participate in their perverse wedding celebrations.  Obuma is trying to change our country for the worse.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook - October

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for October.

Outside my soon as the first day of October rolled around in Maryland, the temperature dropped and we had some rainy weather. It feels a bit more like autumn suddenly.  The temperature must be in the 60's or 70's rather than the 80's or 90's as it was most of September.  The other day it was a beautiful sunny day though...a bit of Indian Summer coming through (just for a few days) in the 80's for a high. Today was beautiful too:  cooler in the 60's with a strong cool wind, bright blue sky, and puffy white clouds!

I am Thinking...that the month started out a bit rocky in terms of my PTSD but seems to be more under control now.  My daughter did very good visiting three colleges last week:  University of Maryland, Catholic University, and James Madison University.  She is a senior in high school and she is handling the stress of college visits very well.  She is not sure what college is her favorite yet. She visited others as well in neighboring states.  I drove her to a friends party tonight in Virginia.

I am Thankful...for the two coops that my son is in.  One is close to home and the moms and families are all very nice.  He is taking history, science, art, and choir.   Even though he is doubling up on his history and science, he seems to be enjoying his curriculum.  The other is further away and we attend coop less often (There are only 8 classes as opposed to 16 classes this fall semester).  I teach one class and it is going very well.  I'm teaching kindergarten journal writing.

I am also thankful that we found a great used car for my other daughter in college.  She won't have it on campus yet but when she comes home she will be able to use her own car.  She is ecstatic!

In the Kitchen...I made Spicy Buffalo Chicken Bites for the last Maryland football game we attended at the beginning of the month.  I've been making Ruebin Roll-Ups and freezing them in preparation for the next game.  I'll have spicy and horse radish mustard with them.  Here are some pics from the last game.

My son is a ham! Just kidding!

I am sweats, a blue tee, and a grey and pink jacket.

I am Reading...I have seven books I'm busy with:  1) Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting by Dawn Stefanowicz; 2) Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely by Lysa TerKeurst; 3) How to be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving by David Richo - I'm reading with my hubby; 4) My son's book I'm helping him with a book report - If All the Swords in England: A Story of Thomas Beckett by Barbara Willard; 5) The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian; 6) The Catholic Controversy - A Defense of the Faith by St. Francis De Sales; and continuously a daily devotional to keep me away from vice - 7) Imitation of Mary by Alexander De Rouville

I am Creating...Two potential crafts:  One for my home journal class and the other for my coop journal class. I am also having a flyer made for my class.

I am Looking Forward to...I looked forward to celebrating our 30th anniversary this month. We spent the sunny day hiking Sugarloaf Mountain, drinking wine on the way down, and going out to dinner.  Here is some pics:

I am Hearing...the educational channel my son was watching.  He is restricted from watching too much junk t.v.

Around the House...I have to finish organizing some of my clothes in the bedroom.  I bought baskets to organize outfits on my shelves. I also did a major clean up in my son's bedroom with him today!  Hallelujah!

I am Praying...for our country and for babies in the womb.

One of My Favorite Things...was having my son in an Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) class this year.  He is doing very well.  It is nice to develop numerous ways to write instead of just one way.  Therefore, any new exposures are beneficial for him.

A Few Plans for Next Week...attend my son's evaluation to place him on an Upward basketball team.

Here is a recent pic to share of my daughter and I at the University of Maryland game:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook (September)

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my is going to go up to 94 today in Maryland according to this mornings weather report on WMAL.  It is currently pleasant in the morning as we just returned from walking our dog, Bella.  She attracted a couple of our neighbors' dogs.  It's so funny how she gets so excited when she first sees them at times...and...suddenly...a couple minutes later...she doesn't even know the other dogs are there.  Why is her "doggy world" like this?

I am Thinking...I am very concerned about my 24 year old son.  His heart is breaking as he just helped his girlfriend move three hours away to attend grad school.  His girlfriend is studying to be a physical therapist and they just tacked on three more years of study for this degree.  I do not see the need for this.  I think people (likely liberals) are specifically making it harder for young people to start families together.
Son and Girlfriend
I am Thankful...for the interview I had with a local Catholic school to possibly be a substitute teacher in the future.  In the meantime, I might be able to help with after school care.

In the Kitchen...We barbecued chicken last night and had mashed potatoes and fresh green beans.  I also made some yummy Buffalo Chicken Bites for our next tailgate at University of Maryland football games.

Dinner last night

Yummy Tailgate Food
I am shorts, grey tee, and black flip flops.

I am Reading...My son's book on Thomas Becket with him.

I am Creating...Two crafts for two different journal classes I am teaching.

I am Looking Forward to...going to the Penn State game with Maryland in Pennsylvania with my hubby, other son, girlfriend, and her parents.  It will be the first time we meet her parents.  She is a beautiful girl my son met on  I've heard about 1/3 of couples are meeting online these days.
Son and Girlfriend
I am Hearing...the quiet in the house while my son is doing his religion. He studies three separate religion books, including the Catechism and Bible History.

Around the House...I just watched the ending of the "Lord of the Rings" with my 5th grader last night.  It was so good that I could hardly take my eyes off of what was going to happen next!

I am Praying...for my children and our country/military...always...always...always!

One of My Favorite Things...was seeing my 5th grader double up on some of his work this year so that he does not fall behind.

A Few Plans for Next Week...attend Back-To-School night at my daughter's Catholic school in Virginia.  I always look forward to meeting her teachers.

Here is a recent pic to share:
Family at the Beach 2016 Summer

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook - August

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my was very warm and sunny here in Maryland today.  My son and I have been taking our dog, Bella, on many walks lately.  My son usually rides his new bike while I walk the dog.  We'll try to continue to do this during the homeschool year on nice days!

I am Thinking...I am glad I ordered my hubby the book I'm reading (see below) so that we can read it together (I'll re-read it) and discuss it.  It is a great book and I think it will help our relationship grow stronger.  He needs his own copy because I've written all over the margins in mine.

I am Thankful...for the two vacation trips we've been able to take.  My hubby and I visited California for our cousin's daughter's wedding.  We had a wonderful time.  Here are some pics:
Our cousin's daughter is the bride

My hubby and I and his two sisters.

Laguna Beach in California
Berlin Wall at Reagan Library

I'm holding Reagan's hand!

We also took our usually family vacation to Ocean City, Maryland.  Here are some pics:

Mom and three youngest

Whole family together


In the Kitchen...We barbecued pork chops and corn on the cob and made fresh green beans last night.  We are eating leftovers tonight as there are only three of us here.  One of my daughters returned to college this morning and hubby is helping her bring items to her apartment on campus.

I am exercise shorts and colorful tee (again).

I am Reading...How to be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving (still)

I am Creating...A place for organized recipes.

I am Looking Forward to...going to our new coop meeting for moms.  We will be doing two coops this year.  One is every other week and the other is every week.  I only am a lead teacher in the coop every other week and have all my lessons planned out.  In the second coop, I am just an assistant and helper.  Therefore, it will be manageable.  My son is willing to take on a couple classes in both history and science rather than just one for each.  He will have to work harder but he should be able to.

I am Hearing...the phone ringing and it is my doctor calling.  I made an appointment with her.  I've been able to manage my illness a little better recently.

Around the House...I straightened the lower "junk" cabinet in the kitchen the other day.  I bought some items to hold the dog food rather than keeping it in the giant bag.  It is much easier to manage.  I also organized my recipes in a book.  Now I have to type and print them all out neatly and put them into some kind of binder.  Here is a pic:

I am Praying...for my children and a dear friend who had a double mastectomy and her family.  I was so glad I got to see her the other day!

One of My Favorite Things...was being on vacation with the family all together.  Next year we have to put up a bigger shady area on the beach as our family is growing with girlfriends and such.

A Few Plans for Next Week...we are going to our first coop and I am all prepared.  It will be a good time.

Here is a recent pic to share:  This is hubby and I on beach in Ocean City -

Mom and Dad

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Crabby Leaders Who Want to Control You

I am suddenly faced with a very strange situation this summer regarding the employment of four of my children as lifeguards at a local pool with an arrogant manager. My two oldest sons worked at the pool years ago in their first high school job. This manager unjustly fired both of them at the end of the summer for being arrogant.  There were no facts or proof...just her and her crabby sister's opinion.  I can still see the numbness on the faces of my two beautiful young sons after she fired them.  My heart was broken and there seemed to be nothing I could do.

It took time for my heart to mend even though the memory of the hurt will probably be with me the rest of my life.  I never knew this manager.  I just knew of her.  I knew basically two things: 1) she arrogantly fired my two sons, and 2) she always sits in the front at Mass on Sundays.  These two facts don't seem to fit together...if you know what I mean.

Anyway, fast forward to the present during this summer and now my two daughters are working at the same pool with one of the same crabby managers. After my daughter told her that she disagreed with her treatment of yelling at another employee who had to take an important family phone call, she began trying to communicate to me more.  One day, she actually followed me around the pool with a big smile on her face.  It was a bit uncomfortable.  Therefore, I tried to tell her to lighten up in a friendly tone and said, "keep those employees smiling!"  That was my mistake.  As I continued to walk out the entrance, she called my name: "Mrs. Miller?" As I turned she asked me (the mother of the two sons she fired and never spoke to in her life): "Is there a problem?" I'm going to bring up my disapproval of the past and jeopardize my two daughters current employment or approve of her past negligent behavior when it was wrong.  After a long pause, she continued her probing questions to the woman she hurt in the past and doesn't even know: "It's like you think I never make employees smile.?."  I finally said, "No, that is not the case."  I don't even know her well enough to claim this is how she is all the time even though some other parents have similar complaints.

To continue, I found the strength the other day to be cheerful upon greeting her when I had to put my daughter's lunch in the refrigerator. She returned my greeting in a friendly way.  Afterwards, that was the first time my daughter was able to leave work early to shower and change before she had to return to coach the swim team.  It is almost like the way I treat her determines how she will treat my daughters. This is such a strange feeling to me and appears to be how arrogant leaders control others.  It is a pervasive evil tactic in our society. Hopefully, this is not the only factor that determines how she treats my two daughters.

With all this happening, I often think of Ted Cruz and how Donald Trump trashed his wife and family, set him up to dramatize his speech at the convention, and gladly ruined his career by saying he wouldn't accept his endorsement if he gave him one. You just don't trash fellow patriots and good people this way.  It's just like the crabby manager at the pool who tried to ruin my two sons lives.  I would never agree with her heartless actions.  Just like Ted can never agree with Trumps false heartless accusations about his own family.  Trump doesn't care at all about how he heartlessly slandered Ted's family.  Even after Ivanka said that she doesn't vote by party but what is important to their family.  It appears that Ted's family doesn't count.

Donald Trump has the power and position to apologize to Ted for slandering his family to release him from the agony of feeling he has to choose between his family and his country.  Republicans are proving they are cry babies just like democrats when they don't get what they want when they want it.  Just like liberals, they will exclude Ted from political affairs now.  Liberals try to exclude anyone who doesn't think exactly like they do...especially if your a republican (IRS scandal). It appears the country wants a leader that can be a jerk if he wants to be.  I perfectly understand Ted's hesitation in endorsing Trump. Rather than apologize to Ted like a compassionate leader to bring him into the fold, Trump's choice is to squash him like a bug ruining his reputation, This is exactly what liberals do and has been what Ted has been trying to warn us about all along. Yes, I will be voting for Trump just because he is much better than Hillary regarding our safety and respect for our military and law enforcement. At the same time, I will be praying for Ted Cruz and his family and watching the pep rally along with them.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook - July

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my was hot, bright, and sunny in Maryland today. Yesterday it was very hot at our last swim meat of the year.  It is nice that swim team is finally over as it gets too hectic towards the end of the season.  Nevertheless, my daughters still need to coach until divisionals and teach swim lessons.  Therefore, I'm still swamped with carpooling duties early in the morning.

I am Thinking...I am glad that I made a doctor appointment the other day because I haven't been feeling very good lately.  I get tired very easily and seem to be struggling with occasional allergies or sinus problems.

I am Thankful...for the programs in the Church for our youth.  My sons have been on numerous mission trips both inside and out of the country.  The Catholic Student Center at the University of Maryland has two wonderful priests there that have continued the work of strengthening our children in the faith.  One was able to come to the house for dinner this month.  What a refreshing friendly change from our stuffy pastor!

In the Kitchen...We barbecued burgers and pork chops on Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday was the swim meat so everyone kind of ate left overs.  Tonight my daughter made a yummy chicken and pasta dish for us.

I am exercise shorts and colorful tee

I am Reading...How to be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

I am Creating...Cookie recipes.  I wanted to give some to my neighbors but there are no nice cookie containers. I just used sandwich bags and attached a nice note.  My son and I will have to bring them to the neighbors together.

I am Looking Forward to...going to California for our nieces's wedding.

I am Hearing...the kids watching t.v. downstairs.  They were outside but apparently the mosquitoes are starting to attack.

Around the House...I straightened the girls room a little the other day as they are so busy with work, swim team, swim lessons, and coaching that there is little time for cleaning.  I also straightened my own closet out.

I am Praying...for my son Colin and his girlfriend Jordan.  They just met on Catholic Match.  She is a very sweet girl. Also, for Ted Cruz and his family.

One of My Favorite Things...helping Jordan cook for Colin at our house the other day and celebrating the 4th of July with some good friends. Here are some pics:

A Few Plans for Next Week...we are going to the Shrine of St. Anthony's and will complete a report on it for one of my son's 4th quarter homeschool assignments.

Here is a recent pic to share:  Crab Feast at the pool.  That's my hubby in the background.  He's a big flirt (in a good way) just like my dad was.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook - June

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook today - June 23, 2016:

Outside my is a bit overcast in Maryland today.  The sun keeps trying to peep out of the clouds occasionally.  After some early morning showers, my daughters went out into the court to see my son riding his new bike as he improved tremendously in just a couple hours.  Then more neighborhood kids came out.  It is wonderful to see the kids playing with each other in the neighborhood.  I am so thankful for our new neighbors.

I am thinking...that June has been a great start to summer this year.  We are finishing up the fourth quarter for homeschooling.  My son only has English, spelling, and handwriting to complete.  Seton homeschool has been a blessing for us.

We had a great time at my son's girlfriend's graduation party at her parents house.  She has a wonderful family.  Her parents are so kind just like she is.  My son's girlfriend will be going to Drexel near Philadelphia next year.  He just took her up there to find an apartment.  We are praying that their love for each other continues to grow strong even with this distance apart.

We were able to attend our parish picnic together.  After the bible study my husband and I were in, we've been meeting more parishioners.  It is nice to share time with other Christians.  My daughter's spiritual adviser, Father Mike, also visited us one evening for dinner.  We had a great time and I couldn't ask for a friendlier help for my daughter.  Fr. Mike is much more friendlier than our parish priest.

Swim Team is off to a great start.  My oldest daughter is an assistant coach while my younger daughter is a coach in training.  My younger daughter is also providing swim lessons for children.  Their summer jobs are lifeguards at our local pool.  My son and daughter are both on the swim team.  They are up early in the mornings for practice and busy at work so they are not sitting around the house all day on the computer.  Practice was cancelled today due to the weather.  We participated in the swim team's pasta dinner, pancake breakfast and picture day, and our first A and B meets.  The swim team is tons of fun for us.  Here are some pictures so far this year:

Swim Team Pasta Dinner: My daughter is standing up as assistant coach and the coach is sitting down talking.

Pasta Dinner-Swim Team: Good friends on swim team
Pasta Dinner-Swim Team: Good friends on team
Two assistant coaches

My daughter coaching
Mom and son
I am thankful...that my husband, youngest son, and I were
able to kick off the summer by going to Ocean City, Maryland on Memorial Day weekend.  The four oldest children are all very independent and busy with jobs and/or their college educations.  Therefore, we just brought our youngest son with us on this trip.  We had a very peaceful time together.  Here is a picture of where we took long morning walks together by the bay.

Memorial Day Weekend
In the kitchen...We had taco's last night for my youngest son's birthday.  It really was a fun filled day because my older son's girlfriend came over to help celebrate. They took my youngest son to the movies and made delicious taco's for everyone.  I made a spice cake and the kids frosted it with cream cheese frosting and sprinkles.  My two daughters got off work early as they are lifeguards and there were thunderstorms all afternoon.  There was a break in the storms and we all ran outside to see the double rainbow.  All the neighborhood kids were running in the puddles together getting soak and wet.  It was like we had our own instant neighborhood water park.  My husband bought a bike for my son's birthday.  Now he could ride his bike with his neighborhood buddy around the court.  Here is a picture of his new bike:

It is so heartwarming for parents to see how well their children get along and interact with each other.  All the kids (adults now) made my son's (10 years old) birthday special.

I am wearing... red, white, and blue.  I think I'm ready for the 4th of July.

 I am reading...Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin - The Extraordinary Parents of St. Therese of Lisieux.

I am creating...I am making a craft for my journal writing class.
I am looking forward to...I planned a movie date today for all the neighborhood kids.  We're going to watch Zootopia and have popcorn.  I'm making fruit salad for a healthy snack too.  I hope they have fun and I hope some of their parents and grandparents stop by while the kids are all entertained with the movie downstairs.  The parents can all visit with each other upstairs...if the parents come.  If they don't come because they are busy...that's o.k. too.

I am hearing...the kids are playing outside in the hose with water balloons and squirt guns now.  We had "movie day" and played "Stay Out of the Thorns."  The girls loved the game.

Around the house...I have been trying to organize more.  I've been going through my mail quicker too.  I bought this unit at Home Goods the other day and it is perfect to store some of the clutter we've had laying around the house.

I also bought this full length mirror for $10.00 at a yard sale.  We had no long mirrors.  I put it here and moved the coffee table in front of the couch.  I cleaned out all the clutter in the drawer of the coffee table.  Now it is organized with things we need rather than junk.

It's been a slow process but with college kids coming home for the summer, I've been trying to help them organize all of their things.  We just don't have the room in our house.  It's absolutely awful to have all the items from their dorm rooms piled up around the place.

I am praying...for my oldest son.  He just came back from a mission trip to Denver to help the homeless.  He loved it.  Presently he is going to University of Maryland and will soon have a PhD. in engineering.  He told us that he may do something totally different than engineering.  He has to think about it though.  We think he may be moving out to the west coast in the future because he has told us that he likes it there better.  He's been taking many trips out west with his research.  He has a heart of gold and loves to reach out to disadvantaged people to help them.  Help me lift him up in prayer so that the spirit with lead him in a good direction.

He was able to visit us yesterday and I was having some symptoms from my PTSD.  He always seems to be able to help me through any fears I am encountering at the time.  I am so grateful for him.

One of my favorite things...was celebrating Father's Day with the whole family.  It is not too often we can all be together at the same time.  We've been eating out on the back deck often and we did so on Father's Day too.  We had ribs and beer.  Here are some pictures of some of our fun together.

Father's Day Drinks

Father and two oldest sons

Mom and two oldest sons

Mom and two oldest studs

Dad with the three youngest kiddos

A few plans for the rest of the to continue to go on walks with hubby on nice days and eat out on the back deck as often as possible before all the mosquitoes come.  I'll also start creating my craft for class.

Here is a recent picture of  my youngest at his cub scout "Rain Gutter Riga-ta":