Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - January 2017

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for January 2017.

Outside my is overcast with a slight breeze today and a bit cold.  Our dog cries when she sees our neighbor's dog running in her yard inside the electric fenced in area.  Our dog is put on a leash.  I've been asking my husband if we can get an electric fence for our back yard so that we can let Bella run around and get some exercise.  He thinks it is a waste of money.  Say some prayers that my husband will understand that our dog, Bella, needs to get exercise too.

I am Thinking...that this month will be a joyful month since all five of our children will be home with us.  I never get to see my oldest son who will soon have his Ph.D. in engineering.  His lease is up on his house and he will be staying with us during part of his last six months of research at college for his Ph.D.  I've been making him some chicken fried rice so that he has something healthy to eat when he gets hungry.  My second oldest son, who is a good cook, gave me the idea to cook with soy sauce.  It worked out quite well.  In fact, he is going to make dinner tonight for our family since he is on break from college.  Here is his meal:  

Brandyn's yummy dinner

I was able to have lunch with my oldest daughter yesterday and she filled me in on all her friendships in college.  She met a nice boy recently and he sounds like a real sweetheart.  She just returned from a Focus Mission Trip to San Antonio.  

My son and his girlfriend are so cute together.  Here they are working together to make sushi.  They have their college education to finish before they settle down together.  Please say a prayer so that their relationship continues to grow with the blessings of Christ.

Cute couple!

I am Thankful...for the relationships my children have established as siblings.  It is so good to see my youngest and oldest bond together as I know they are very good for each other...especially at this time.  My two daughters fill our home with tons of giggling and laughter.  It is wonderful to see their relationship develop.  My second oldest's girlfriend fits right in with them too.  I am also thankful for scouting for my son and husband.  Here is some recent pics:

Husband as cub master in same troop my father began years ago.

In the Kitchen...Last night I made pork chops, potatoes, and broccoli with cheese.  Tonight my son is cooking dinner.  We will all be pleasantly surprised.  This luxury can take place while he is on break from school.  He returns to college classes on the 25th of January.
My little scout!
 I am Wearing...gray sweat pants and a black long sleeved shirt.

I am Creating...A craft for my journal writing homeschool class.

I am Looking Forward to...not having to go to the doctor because I'm not feeling well anymore.  I've been having a lot of fatigue and some shortness of breath that has greatly worried me.  I've been able to receive doctor reports that are positive about my health.  I'm taking vitamins, exercising more, and quitting unhealthy habits.  I hope to be healthier and have more energy to do things this year.

I am 5th grader, who is the last child homeschooled, do research on the thickness of ice and when it is safe to walk on it.  We have a pond behind our back yard and he threw a heavy stick on it to see if it would sink.  The pond is frozen.  We told him he can not go on it.  He is also talking to me about building a tree fort in our back yard.  He comes up with ideas between his subjects during the day all the time.

Around the House...We finally have a handy man coming to fix odd jobs we have to take care of around the house.  We need two new toilets, better lighting, closet doors, book shelves, new faucets, new sink basin, towel racks installed, t.v. mounted on wall, etc.  Also, we've been able to declutter a bit since my oldest moved back in for a short duration until he receives his Ph.D.

I am Praying...for my husband to find where the mice are getting in our house.  They get in our utensil drawers in the kitchen and leave their droppings everywhere.  Right now, all our knives, spoons, and forks are out of their drawers and on top of the counters.  It is a pain in the neck.

One of My Favorite Things...was being able to watch some football games together as a family this month.  We all seem to like the Green Bay Packers.  My oldest son has the same smile as Aaron Rodgers - their quarterback. My oldest son is the one who got our family hooked as official 'cheese heads.' 

A Few Plans for Next Week...attend a wedding in Missouri with my husband.  Our good friend's son is getting married. Also, meet my friend at the local mall to walk together for some exercise.

Here is a recent pic to share of one January evening while watching a football game:

Night of the Green Bay Packer's game