Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eileen is Grateful

It is with great joy that I can share some of the things I'm thankful for to include in Judy's meme at her Thankful Woman's Blog.  It has been hard for me to participate lately because I've been extremely busy and find myself getting very tired often.  I've had to rest during the day when I get the chance so that I can tackle the next task successfully.  I hope you can have patience with me as I join the conversation periodically when possible.

1)  I am thankful for knowing where all the speed traps are while I'm out and about.  They were insalled all over our county right after Obama got in office.  I know it is a local thing, but I believe Obama's presidency motivated the county to put them up.  I pass them going in and out of our town, driving my daughter to Religious Education, and driving to the Maryland football games.  I know exactly where to monitor my speed extra carefully.

2)  I am so grateful for the continuation of our little homeschool co-op this year.  We are much smaller and no longer at the Church.  This year we hold classes at eachother's houses and it is working out very nicely.  It is such a joy to be able to spend time with these other homeschool families.

3)  I am thankful for leftover tailgate food.  There is nothing like the taste of barbeque flavored meat that can just be re-heated in the microwave.

4)  I am grateful that my daughter was able to spend some time with her friend the other day.  Her friend's family is Lebonese  and it is a tradition to call other adults 'Aunt' and 'Uncle.'  Her friend is calling me Aunt Eileen.  I don't have any siblings with any kids, but now I can finally be an Aunt!

5)  I am so thankful to be able to teach the kindergarten boys the mysteries of the rosary and see them pray a decade together.  They are so adorable as they learn the Our Father and Hail Mary prayers.


  1. I love listening to little ones as they are first learning their prayers. It's so cute to hear how they pronounce different words & phrases. One of my boys used to say during the Hail Mary..."Play with us sinners."

  2. Wow, what a great list! That BBQ sounds YUMMY!
    So glad you are doing co-op again...we haven't started yet for this year; but will soon:)
    Thanks so much for sharing your blessings with us, Eileen!
