Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Friday, April 8, 2011

My Homeschool Week

It's time for The Homeschool Mother's Journal.  Just click on the name to go to this great meme.

In my Life this Week:  I was blessed to be able to communicate with my college sons on my birthday.  I am so happy they remembered me.  It was a great day as I got to eat chocolate cake and have wine.  It is always a joy to read the cards the kids make for me.

In Our Homeschool Week:  I'm glad to report that things are progressing nicely.

Religion:  1) Daily Lenten Devotions  2) - The Agony in the Garden  3) Read and discuss the parables of the Prodigal Son & Ten Lepers.

English:  1) Punctuating and diagramming compound sentences  2) Making compound sentences from simple sentences  3) Diagramming with conjunctions connecting clauses  4) Distinguishing between Direct and Indirect Objects with diagramming  5) My four year old completed some excercises in his Phonics workbook.

Vocabulary:  1) Study  2) Written Quiz  3) Completed lesson on new word lists dealing with amounts (Ex: comprehensive)

Writing:  1) Write first draft of paper on short story  2) Revise first draft  3) Preschooler wrote sentence about Prodigal  4) Preschooler built new sentence on Ten Lepers with letter tiles.

Reading:  1) Catholic National Reader  2) Read about Fr. Heindrichs who was a recent martyr in the United States  3) Read more of novel "A Long Way from Welcome."

Math:  1) Writing Tenths and Hundredths as Decimal Numbers and Corrections  2) Naming Decimal Numbers  3) Fractions of a Second and Comparing and Ordering Decimal Numbers  4) Writing Equivalent Decimal Numbers and Writing Cents Correctly  5)  My preschooler worked with the number line and flashcards while counting pennies to learn simple addition and subtraction.

Science:  Study for Test (postponed for next week).

History:  1)  Review quiz for Southern victories in Revolutionary War.  2) Researched three famous artists' paintings during the Revolution  3) Found all the lyrics to "Yankee Doodle"  4) Study  5) Read about life after the Revolution (1783-1789) and complete workbook review and lesson on states and capitals.

Art:  Talked about and analyzed Edgar Davis' paintings and how he experimented w/ viewpoints.  Cut out frame and viewed item to draw w/ chalk.  My preschooler drew and colored picture of Prodigal and drew picture of Ten Lepers with assistance.  He also made an apple tree for a craft at co-op.

Music:  Piano Lessons

Health:  More meal planning - talked about color, flavor, shapes, texture, and temperature of foods.  Chose recipe for yummy pasta salad to make.

Physical Educ:  1) Ballet  2) Dance and Movement

Places We're Going/People We're Seeing:  My good friend is coming over this afternoon to relax and hang out for a little while.  It will be nice to take a break.  We were also able to hear a graduate from my daughter's high school give a speach on "Educating the American Girl."  We were pleasantly impressed.

My Favorite Thing this Week:  Seeing my four year old attempt to draw his own picture of Jesus.  Also, the fact that my husband helped me declutter our basement which set a positive tone for homeschooling in the beginning of the week.

What's Working/Not Working for Us:  It has been very beneficial for us to record the work my sixth grader does each week.  This has ensured that we do not skip over important areas for too long a period and we keep a steady pace and attain a broad exposure in educating the whole person.  Also, I am so grateful for IEW.  It is really working well for my sixth grader.

Homeschool Questions/Thoughts I have:  How many subjects does your high schooler do on-line or on their own and how many high school subjects do you actually teach them?  Or do you just come behind them in their subjects if they have questions?  Do you know of a high school curriculum that is exceptionally user-friendly to be involved on the teaching end of the spectrum that you enjoy?

A Link, Photo, or Quote to Share:   "Imagination balances us, and a sense of humor consoles us."


  1. Great pictures - what a beautiful family you have! Happy belated birthday!!

    Have a great week....and I'm now following you via GFC :-)

  2. Looks like a busy and productive week!! Hope your birthday was great!
