Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Homeschool Week

Please join the conversation and learn what other moms experience during their homeschool weeks by going to The Homeschool Mother's Journal.  I chose the crucifixion for my picture this week because I experienced some minor discomfort from my PTSD this week.  I believe the Lord helps me through these rough times to continue to persevere in homeschooling my young children.

In my life this week:  I invited a couple moms that have their own business helping others clean and organize, oftentimes during a move, to see if they can help me organize my basement.  I would really like to use their services as they get me motivated to declutter and I can tell they do a good job.  Their website is

In our homeschool week:

Religion:  Read Session 19 on Sacraments of Healing and Session 20 Review.  Made poster of three Old Testament prophets and their messages and displayed some of the problems and solutions they dealt with in the Bible.  Found newspaper articles that reflect these problems and solutions and put them on the display.  Also read the parable of the Lost Sheep to my 4 year old.

English:  1)  Choosing between adjectives and adverbs and diagramming them in sentences.  2)  Diagramming compound subjects, verbs, and direct objects in sentences. 3)  Diagramming independant clauses in compound sentences.

Vocabulary:  Oral Quiz

Writing:  Read short story and chose bible verse to support it for preparation to SAAC (see my website here).  My four year old wrote about the parable of the Lost Sheep in his journal.

Reading:  Read five Chapters in "A Long Way from Welcome."  Also completed daily reading with my four year old in his Catholic National Reader.

Math:  1)  Using Money to Model Decimal Numbers  2)  Decimal Parts of a Meter  3)  Corrections and Test  4)  Reading a Centimeter Scale.  My 4 year old did simple adding and subtracting by counting pennies.

Science:  Worked on Science project and did oral presentation on it at our co-op.  My daughter came in second place at the Science Fair.  Also studied for Science test on States of Matter.

History:  Read about and completed workbook on Revolutionary wars in the South and East.  Also did oral presentation on project for Ben Franklin's invention the Franklin Stove.  Also studied for History exam.

Art:  Analyzed painting of Napoleon Bonaparte by Jacques-Louis David and painted a portrait of someone we knew to include important clues in the painting about their life and job.  My four year old colored a picture of the Lost Sheep.

Music:  Piano Lessons

Health:  Meal Planning

Physical Educ:  Ballet and Dance and Movement Class

Places we're going/People we're seeing:  Moms from The Last Re-sort, Co-op Families, Doctor Appointment, Piano teacher, Dancing teacher, trying to arrange a sleep-over with friends but it fell through at the last minute, Parish family.

My favorite thing this week:  Driving my ninth grader to her high school and evangelizing on the whole 45 minute trip with her.  Afterwards, having confidence that she is around faith-loving and virtuous people and friends at her school.

What's working/Not working for us:  Everything is working except a faster speed to study and complete work assignments.  My sixth grader seems to let things go to the last minute sometimes.  I am trying to break her of this habit by having her fill out a form with the subjects she completed every week.  Therefore, she has a better mental picture of what needs to be done.

Homeschool questions/Thoughts I have:  Has anyone ever set up a blog where some students can share their work with eachother?

A link, photo, or quote to share:  

Let life's difficulties make us better, not bitter.


  1. HI! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I wanted to answer your questions. 21 Balloons and The Little Princess are books from our Sonlight 2 daughter is 8 and my sons are 4 and 9. I think both are good for any child above the age of a parent-read book. For a child, they would need very good reading skills to read either book... Can't wait to read more of your sweet blog!

  2. Wow! You had a really busy week! Looks like you were able to accomplish a lot. Blessings!

  3. Thanks for visiting my at A Season for All Things. I agree with you that it seems my teen responds better to an outside teacher as far as completing his work. I'm your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts. ~ Ellen

  4. Nice to meet you, Eileen! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on Obeying Heart. I look foward to following your blog.

  5. Sounds like a great week! Thanks for stopping by Growing Little Hearts! Always nice to meet new friends!
