Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook - November

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for November.

Outside my Window...the first part of November in Maryland has been blessed with mostly pleasant sunny days in the 60's.  It is now after Thanksgiving and a bit cooler in the 40's or 50's as a high.  We've had a couple cold windy days. Yesterday was very cold at the last Maryland football tailgate.  You can spot me as I'm one of the moms without a nice Maryland scarf!

I am Thinking...that the month will be filled with joy since all five of my children will be able to be here on Thanksgiving!  It was filled with joy but I didn't feel good part of the time.  I'm going to the doctor Friday.

I am also thinking that it is better for me to be in the nursery with all the little ones at our coop.  I was going to my son's science class for one period to help out but they are very organized and don't really need my help.  I can sing my Creation song to the little ones and show them the pictures.  Last coop, I was able to present it to the pre-schoolers and they seemed very receptive.

I am also feeling a bit uncomfortable about the daughter of our good friends who is pregnant and engaged to be married after the birth.  She sent my own son a text the other day.  She shouldn't be thinking about other men.  Anyway, maybe it's just a friend thing...but it doesn't appear to be innocent to me.  I don't understand the way people do things today.  I guess I'm just old fashioned.

I am Thankful...for the handgun safety course I took at the beginning of the month even though I couldn't finish the end of the class.  It was given by an experienced police officer and was very interesting.  I learned some things I didn't know before. 

In the Kitchen...Thanksgiving was great.  Hubby and I worked together to make the feast.  I have to find a better sweet potato recipe though. Here are some pics:

I am Wearing...Black jeans and low boots with a black and red sweater.  We will be attending the Maryland tailgate today.  Therefore, it's red and black colors today. 

I am Reading...My son started a new book I'm helping him with called Red Hugh, Prince of Donegal by Robert T. Reilly.  I'll be helping him with his book report.  He is in fifth grade.

I am Creating...A schedule for inviting more kids to my Journal Writing Class on the Monday after Thanksgiving.

I am Looking Forward to...I looked forward to going to the beach with my husband this weekend.

I am dishwasher.

Around the House...We have a new vacuum and my rugs are nice and clean...including the steps!

I am Praying...for our family!

One of My Favorite Things...was being able to have a family discussion about disciplining my fifth grader.  Yes - it was one of my favorite things believe it or not. Patrick was getting a bit difficult to teach at times and I needed more help.  My husband and older son both spoke with him about his behavior.  The last three days have gone much more smoother since we took away some priviledges.  Such as:  1) no computer games or technology; 2) no cartoons / only educational shows; 3) no playing with the neighborhood kids after school if he acts up.

Another one of my favorite things was attending a field trip to the Underground Railroad site in our county.  Here is a pic of our group:

This is the slave quarters.

We are standing in front of a big hollowed out tree where the slaves could hide if they were on the run. 

A Few Plans for Next Week...attend the parent coffee at my daughter's school.

Here is a recent pic to share of Thanksgiving:

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Typical Homeschooling Day

My fifth grader is homeschooled and here is a record of a typical homeschool day from yesterday.  Yes, it was halloween but we still were diligent in doing our work.  Afterwards, my son went out with his big brother for an hour before he got dressed for trick-or-treating with the neighborhood kids.  Neighbors gathered in our court for a potluck and fellowship.

Religion:  Study and discuss two paintings of the Nativity and Coronation

Math:  Converting Units of Weight and Mass (Saxon 65 - second edition)

English:  Exercise on Nouns of Prepositions

Handwriting:  Cursive

History:  Complete chapter review on Andrew Jackson and Map Skills (Latitude and Longitude)

Reading:  Read stories on the Wright Brothers and the Israelites and answer questions

Phonics:  Work on dipthongs

Science:  Complete review quiz on brain and nerves

Spelling:  Spelling Test

Vocabulary:  Exercises on passage containing words and writing the definitions, circling the correct word used in the meaning of a sentence, synonyms and antonyms

Nucleus of Life (Journal)-picture above: Write first draft paragraph of story about a character who displays virtue.

Science Coop work:  Stinging, Crawling, and Squirming Animals - Read chapter, complete worksheet, and make vocabulary cards

Physical Education:  Patrick has his last soccer game this Saturday.  He will be taking an Upward basketball program over the winter.

Art/Music:  He is learning from some wonderful teachers at his Coop.  We attend Coop once a week.