Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Simple Woman's Daybook

I am participating in A Simple Woman's Daybook today for the month of January (I wanted to post this before the month is up).  I hope you enjoy my post.

Outside my window...It is a beautiful day here in Maryland for the month of January.  It may be in the 60's today-like spring.  I can hear the geese in the pond behind our house because we have the screen door open to let in the warmer air.  Can you see the pond?

I am thinking...why so many people are so serious looking even when something is funny.

I am thankful for...the small easels I was able to find for my son and possibly use in my journal writing classes. (picture to come later)

In the kitchen...I have pot roast, carrots, potatoes, and gravy in the crock pot.

I am and pink sweats with my hair in a pony tail.

I am creating...a lesson plan for our Valentines Day Journal Writing Class.  Of course we will be talking about love but also a science concept too.

I am going...absolutely no where - thank goodness.

I am wondering...what the people from the animal shelter will say tonight at our interview with them.  We are adopting a puppy and they are coming to the house to do their typical governmental snooping.

I am reading...Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska

I am hoping...that I can make a smooth transition to a new doctor.

I am looking forward to...studying about the Greeks with my first grader for his history lesson and studying religion today.  (picture to come later)

I am manage my illness better using faith as a guide.

Around the house...I hear my son playing with his toys and playing outdoors on this beautiful day.

I am pondering...about other lesson ideas for my Journal Writing Class.

A favorite quote for today..."The transition from our work of path-straightening to God's work of instilling in us living faith is not linear.  We never graduate from self-help to God's help, for the two are intertwined and inseparable by divine design.  We never forge such perfect habits of self-discipline that we can rest on our laurels and float on clouds, waiting for God to do His part.  Living faith is qualitatively different and better than the practice of human virtue, but it will always be sustained by our willingness and action to prepare our nature for the grace of the moment and for the boatloads of grace God has in store for us."  Father Jonathan Morris.

One of my favorite teaching religion class to first graders this year.  They are so adorable and filled with joy for the Lord!

A few plans for the rest of the week...plan, read, pray, exercise

A peek into my day...
My son would be expelled in public school.

Friday, January 18, 2013

5 Minute Friday: Cherished

I am joining 5 Minute Friday to type for five minutes on the word



Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska said, "God filled my soul with the interior light of a deeper knowledge of Him as Supreme Goodness and Supreme Beauty.  I came to know how very much God loves me.  Eternal is His love for me."  It appears that when we know God is all Good and all Beautiful, we can come to know God will love us forever!  Through our loving efforts in CHERISHING God, more of His graces will be sent to strengthen the bond and awareness that connects us to Him in relationship.

Afterwards, she felt a greater intimacy with God and said, "I felt so immensely happy; it seemed to me that I had stepped into the life of Paradise."  In order to feel part of 'heaven on earth,' does it help if one is thankful for God's Goodness and Beauty?  It seems to me that this may be so!  Then we can CHERISH our life on earth all the more!  Let's CHERISH our relationship with Our Father in heaven!


Please click on the link to join!  (I hope it is o.k. if I used quotes.)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

T for Teaching Truth

I greatly admire many of the religious products for teaching children that most Christian faiths have created to help them follow the Lord.  Be careful though when you come across a story that does not make enough sense.  In any event, my six year old and I read from a wonderful devotion book for Christian children.  It contains nice stories with a bible verse to read each day.  We've thoroughly enjoyed the stories and verses...except when we got to todays.  We still enjoyed the story and verse but had to correct the mistake with the correct quote and explanation of the verse.  The story was a bit vague also and we needed to discuss the error here.  It is a good lesson to be able to search for the truth and to be aware of some things that may conflict with truth.  Anyway, here are the two bible verses we compared:

"He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy." (Titus 3:5)


"But when the kindness and generous love of God our Savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy, he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life." (Titus 4-7)

One verse appears to be saying God our Savior appeared because of his mercy and another verse appears to be saying God saved us because of his mercy.  One verse speaks of saving through baptism which is our movement toward the Savior.  It requires our work, deeds, and participation.  The other verse makes you think there is nothing you can do to gain eternal life...except, I guess, believe or something.  Just interesting to note the difference here.