Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Eileen is Grateful

I am joining Judy's meme at A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings today.  I love thinking back on my week to remember the joyous times the Lord has touched my life.  Just list five things you are thankful for and click the link to join this thankful group of virtuous women.

1)  I am so thankful for my two daughters Catholic school.  The parent-teacher conferences were very good for us to go to and meet the teachers.  They are awesome and really care about their students.  I really enjoyed meeting all of them.  The girls have A's and B's in most all their classes.  My youngest daughter will need help in Math and Latin from my hubby and me.  I will handle the Latin and hubby will help with the Math.  All the other subjects they are excelling in though.

I am also grateful for the Mass and ring ceremony held at the school for the juniors.  My oldest daughter helped with communion at Mass and all the girls looked so nice as they were presented their rings and roses.   Hubby took her out to lunch with the class and I returned home with Patrick because it was a bit expensive for all of us to attend the lunch.

2)  It was such a joy to see my two sons at the University of Maryland football game this past weekend.  My older son had his girlfriend with him.  We enjoyed meatball subs and fried chicken.  Patrick and I also gave the boys some Halloween treats we made for them.  It was a beautiful day in Maryland to be outside with friends and family.

3)  I am grateful for the prayer time we spend together.  On the way to school, my daughters and I say our Morning Offering and one decade of the rosary.  I repeat these prayers with my son when we arrive back home because he sleeps in the car on the way to their school.  Patrick's religion class I teach also wants to learn our Morning Offering.  I am eager to teach it to them.

4)  We are blessed to be able to have a small homeschool co-op with some wonderful families.  I look forward to seeing them every week (and so does Patrick).  Please pray for our efforts in our co-op as it would be good if the children can stay connected through out their homeschooling endeavors.

5)  I am grateful for the simple projects our History curriculum:  Story of the World provides for Patrick.  We just finished making Joseph's coat of many colors and an Egyptian Ziggurat.  I am not a crafty person and the project ideas all seem to be manageable for us.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. We used Story of the World for a couple of years & I, too, really liked the projects they suggested. We never did all of them, but I do remember making Joseph's coat. My oldest loved it & I think it still might be in the basement w/ our dress-up clothes!

    I love your list this many wonderful things to be thankful for. God Bless!

  2. It's so great that you pray together every morning.

  3. What a great list! I will pray for your co-op. I wish there was an opportunity like that here for my children. How wonderful that you pray in the car with your kids. Your projects for SOW sound great. I have heard a lot of good things about their program. God bless, Lisa
