Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Eileen is Grateful

It is time for A Thankful Woman's Blessings over at Judy's blog where we list five things we are thankful for during our week.  What a great time of year to be thankful!  Just click on this link to participate.

1)  I am so grateful for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Families all over the country will be coming together in prayer and fellowship to thank God for all the blessings He bestows on them.  It is such a wonderful holiday.

2)  I am thankful that my two college sons will be coming home today to spend the holiday with us.  (Although I'm afraid to see my son's hair.-just kidding)  They are both getting their hair cuts on Friday.  I haven't seen them since September and it will be such a joy to see them again.

3) It is so wonderful that my daughter (sophomore in high school) made the National Honor Society this past week.  I am grateful that she applies herself to her work and tries her best.  This will help her tremendously when she tries to apply for colleges.

4)  I am thankful that I was able to make my Thanksgiving stuffing ahead of time.  My husband makes the turkey and mashed potatoes.  Mounds and mounds of mashed potatoes will be made for my sons.  Two cooks in the kitchen for too long bump elbows you know.  On Thanksgiving I will just need to make candied sweet potatoes (Yam Bake) and vegetables.  The stuffing was time consuming because of all the chopping involved with it.

5)  I am grateful that our little homeschool co-op for the kindergarteners is taking a winter break.  We will have time to do some simple fun things together but not worry about any lesson planning for a while.  In the cold weather all I want to do is stay home near the fire place anyway.


  1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! The mounds and mounds of mashed potatoes is making my mouth water!

  2. I understand how you feel about having your sons come home. My nephew won't be able to make it home for Utah until Christmas, so this will be our first Thanksgiving w/out him.

    Congratulations to your daughter! What a great accomplishment!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you & your beautiful family!

  3. Hi, I'm here from Judy's. you have a beautiful family, and a wonderful list of thanksfulness. happy blessed Thanksgiving.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter.
    I only did the cranberry sauce and "angel" eggs (my kids don't like to call them "devilled" eggs, ha ha) ahead of time this year and will be making the feast on the day of the feast; which is not our usual way...however, I'm sure I'll enjoy cooking and chopping and baking while my husband and kids are gathered 'round the island with me.
    I will be thinking of you by your nice, warm fire!
    God's blessings to your dear family, Eileen!
