Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
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Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Homeschool Week

It is time for "The Homeschool Mother's Journal" where we can share what occurred during our past week.  It is wonderful to hear what everyone experiences from week to week.

In my life this week...We didn't have our usual co-op classes for the Kindergarteners once again this week because too many families were ill.  I had a few doctor visits and so did some of my children.  We were unable to do all of our subjects this week like Science, Writing and Art.  You will notice that my Middleschooler is efficient in doing the basics of Math and English - even when we have an 'off' week.  This is something good to instill in your children.

In my homeschool week...

Middle Schooler - ***Saxon Math Level 7/6:  Lines, Segments, and Rays; Perimeter; Number Lines - Ordering and Comparing; Sequences and Scales; Frequency Tables, Histograms, and Surveys.  ***Voyages in English:  Use of Nothing and Anything w/ Diagramming; First, Second, and Third Person and Forming Plurals w/ Diagramming; Plural and Sigular Form of Nouns; Gender and Predicate Nominative w/ Diagramming; Appositives and Nominative of Exclamation w/ Diagramming.  ***History:  Read about 'Congressional Reconstruction' and completed workbook; Also did research and paragraph on Mary Surrat and Thomas Ness.  ***Religion:  Analyzed two articles - 1)  "Nicodemus Seeks an Answer" and 2)  "One God in Three Persons."  Recorded the 'Cornerstones' of these articles and discussed the role of Jesus as our 'Cornerstone.'  ***Readers:  Read and complete workbooks on two different Saints.  ***Latin:  Studying Present Tense, Future Tense, and Imperfect Tense and Vocabulary Cards.  ***Geography:  Read and answer questions and do research and write paragraph on Canadian Province.  ***Map Skills:  Three Pages (review next week)  ***Vocabulary:  Study and take Test.

Kindergarten:  My five year old is doing great work in Math, Phonics, and Journal Writing and Drawing and Coloring.  His Journal entry this week was on Isaac's servant asking Rebekah to be Isaac's wife.

Helpful homeschool tips or advice to share...Just to restate what I said earlier.  It is good to train your children, once they are older, to make a committment to schedule a time every day to complete the basics of Math and English.  In fact, Michael Farris from HSLDA said something similar in his great article in the HSLDA magazine Sept./Oct. 2011 issue titled "10 Lessons I've Learned from Thirty Years of Homeschooling."

I am inspired by...Michael Farris' article this week.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...Nothing too exciting this week as we've had a few doctor appointments.

My favorite thing this week was...feeling better on Saturday morning with the first snowfall in Maryland (early for us on October 29th) and drinking coffee with hubby.

What's working/not working for us...Hubby bought a new area rug for our downstairs.  Now the ruined rug that my daughter spilled black paint all over is no longer there and the little ones can play downstairs when we have our co-op at the house.  This will really help out.

Questions/thoughts I have...Now that you have kids, would you have more if you were able to start a family earlier and be 100% physically and mentally capable to go through the pregnancies?  Or would you go the career route?  Now that I've had five kids, I feel like I would have had more if things were a bit easier to handle.  I am very happy with the five I have but children bring so much joy to one's life that I feel like I would have had more if I was physically and mentally able to go through it.  I would rather be paid by witnessing and assisting in the growth of a child than recieving money and a fancy title from a career.  Although, I greatly admire those who have been able to do both.  You go girls!

Things I'm working on...Still preparing lessons on the Luminous Mysteries for the Kindergarteners because our class was cancelled this week.

I'm praying for...My mother-in-law.  My husband had to take her to the emergency room this week.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...Let words be a search to reveal truth.

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