Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Simple Woman

Peggy's blog has a wonderful meme to share the simple pleasures we feel in life. Just click on the name to go to this meme.

Outside my window...It's very warm with some clouds and haze.  I think the birds are taking naps on this warm Maryland afternoon.  I just turned our air conditioning on.

I am is going to be a challenge carpooling all five kids to and from the pool.  My two oldest have work schedules for lifeguarding, my two middle ones have swim team practice, and my preschooler asks often to go to the pool.

I am thankful for...a healthy summer sport for our family with close proximity to our house and an awesome coach who has a beautiful family.

From the learning daughter is reading The Magician's Nephew and picking out healthy recipes for summer.  My high schooler is finishing up exams this week.

From the Kitchen...trying to find a recipe for potatoe salad that all my kids will eat.

I am jogging shorts and matching top with flip flops.

I am creating...a reading binder for my daughter with all the book titles she will read next year.  She will also be putting her book reports in this.

I am going...absolutely nowhere.  I've been out too much today and I'm exhausted! 

I am reading...still The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 

I am hoping...that I can say the rosary tonight.

I am hearing...the t.v. on very low while my four year old is watching Nick Jr. and my high school daughter asking him questions about the show while the printer is printing out some of her study guides.

Around the definately looks 'lived in.'

A few plans for the rest of the week...take a sewing class at JoAnn Fabrics with my friend.

A picture or thought to leave you with..."Just because everything is different doesn't mean everything has changed."  Irene Peter

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you’re going to have a busy summer as a chauffeur. Ha. Enjoy these days. My last child is a senior this year and then my days of homeschooling will be gone. It goes by so fast. I noticed my daughter is reading another Narnia book now too. I love to see that.

    Have fun at your sewing class. Thanks for sharing your Daybook.
