Thursday, June 30, 2011
Eileen is Grateful
It is such a great blessing to be able to express our gratitude for what God does in our lives. This is exactly what we do with Judy's blog on Wednesday mornings. The bible is full of verses that praise God and our conversations should be too. Here is my thankful list this week:
1) I am so grateful to be able to have woke up in the wee early hours of the morning every day this week to offer up the rosary for my family and our country. It has been very peaceful and beneficial to have Our Lady's protection as we go through our days.
2) I am thankful for the large painting in our living room of early America. There is a church, house, horse and buggy, farm, and covered bridge across a small stream in a large field. When the light shines on this picture just right, the church doors have an elegant glow to them as this is one way we FOLLOW THE LIGHT of Christ.
3) I'm grateful to be able to spend time with my five year old catching baby frogs in the back yard. I also enjoy bringing him to our local swimming pool for some outdoor fun. It was a joy to hear him speak of his two older brothers in the life guard chairs.
4) I am grateful for our pediatrician even though he is trying to talk me into getting the vaccination for my daughters for cervical cancer. I think it is time to find a new doctor for them. He listed three reasons for doing so: 1) Younger women have a quicker anti-biotic reaction. 2) Apparently, you have to come get the shot three times in a few months. Therefore, when girls turn eighteen - it is harder to get them in to have it done. So it is a scheduling dilemma. and 3) Lastly, the media doesn't tell the truth about it. It is not just related to sex. You do not have to 'go all the way' to contract cervical cancer. I've been with this pediatrician since my children were babies. He explains things very well. Nevertheless, now that my girls are older and he is pushing this vaccination, I really want a new doctor for them. I'm still thankful for his past services though. I would like to find a Christian doctor for them.
5) I am thankful for the deer I saw in our front yard the other day. I love to see deer near the house. They are beautiful animals (not the deer ticks though). There were two fawns running around their mother in our neighbors yard. I'm also thankful that I've never hit a deer on the road. My husband and son have though. I'm amazed at how close they come sometimes and never run out in front of my car.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
My Homeschool Week
It is time for The Homeschool Mother's Journal summer edition. Just click on this name to join in.
In my Life this Week: I had a much more relaxing week where I was able to enjoy some lazy moments of summertime. This was among all the driving my girls to swim team practice every morning and commuting my sons to their lifeguard jobs. I took the opportunity to read more with my five year old. I also had a nice visit with a co-op mom to help plan for next year. Her two daughters came to hang out with my daughters while we took care of business over coffee.
In Our Homeschool Summer Week:
Religion: 1) - Abraham and Isaac 2) Journal - Peter and John help a lame man
Reading: 1) Pre-schooler - Catholic National Reader and library books 2)The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.
Math: 1) Corrections 2) Test 3) Investigation on Line Graphs 4) Simplifying Improper Fractions 5) Dividing by Two Digit Numbers
Physical Educ: 1) Swim Team practice
Places We're Going/People We're Seeing: Swim Team families, the pool, co-op mom.
My Favorite Thing this Week: Celebrating my five year olds birthday. He really enjoyed eating chocolate cake and opening his cards. He put all his gift money into a little box and I began to teach him the value of coins and dollars.
Books I'm Reading: Escape from Warsaw by Ian Serraillier
Things I'm Working On: 1) I'm still working on choosing materials for next year's curriculum and beginning to put together the schedule and book list for our co-op. I also have to reserve the pavilion at our pool for a co-op get together.
Question I have: Does your co-op participate in any summer activities? How often does your co-op meet during the school year?
A Link, Photo, or Quote to Share: "A kind mouth multiplies friends, and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings." Sirach 6:5
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tea Talk
Ruth's blog has a wonderful meme where one can share a cup of tea and experience quiet times together.
I am having my morning hazelnut coffee. My whole family is asleep and it is nice and quiet. It looks like it is going to be a sunny day in Maryland.
My mug is my sweet father's Holy Name Society mug with the words of the Holy Name Pledge on one side and the picture of an angel on the other side.
I am feeling relieved that I took a break from researching the Civil War. The fact that our country was not fully developed yet with all fifty states, and we were still expanding westward in a growth stage made the concept of sucession more attractive. It gets to be a very politically heated war and can be confusing. Almost like a soap opera, one person does something and it causes a ripple effect as politicians raced to claim states for their cause. Anyway, I can't stand soap operas. I needed to take a break.
My prayer is for my meeting tonight with another co-op mom to go well.
I will leave you with "We are the hero of our own story."
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Eileen is Grateful
It is time to list five things I am thankful for at Judy's blog on this Wednesday morning. So often, we can get overwhelmed by all the 'curve balls' life throws our way. Taking a moment to remember times that God has blessed us in our week helps us to feel less of an impact from these curve balls by remembering the great love our Father in heaven has for us. Just click on Judy's name to go the this great meme. Here is my list this week:
1) I am grateful for a dear friend who understood when I had to cancel a fun activity because I had to go up on my meds. It was very hard for me to do and she is so kind and understanding that we had to reschedule our fun time together. She is very supportive with someone like myself who has an illness that acts up at times. I am so thankful for her friendship.
2) I am very thankful for the 7th grade reading material Totally Tailored Reading provided me. I am really enjoying reading the books and know the kids will gain much from them next year in our history class. I am a slow reader and always need help finding good novels with historical relevance. I am glad I've been able to get this additional help for me.
3) I am grateful for our Sunday family prayer time together saying the rosary. It is always such a peaceful and united time as a family for us. We dedicated our marriage to the Blessed Mother and she has been there every step of the way for us bringing our petitions to her Son.
4) I am so thankful that my husband knows I am too hard on myself. He said that the summer and swim team should be fun. I need to stop worrying so much and just relax more this summer. My daughters are having a fun summer making friends and going to the pool often.
5) I'm grateful for my five year old's birthday this past week. Everyone was so attentive to him and we had fun eating chocolate cake together. He is pure joy for our family. I've been walking the dog with him and going through the 'boy scout path.' I talked about it before. I'll try to post some pictures of it later.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Great Picture Books
These are such wonderful books that are teaching my four year old about baby animals and how they grow, their habitats, if they hatch from eggs, how long they stay with their mothers, what they like to eat, their predators, etc. Each page is presented with a colorful picture and beautiful story text that shows how mother animals take care of their young and the habitat they live in. Learning about animals is very attractive to young children as it is nature the way God has designed it. We received these books as a gift years ago and never grow old of reading them to our young ones. They are a wonderful gift idea too. They come in a set with twelve small books that keep the attention span of the very young. I highly recommend them. See
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Sabbath Moments
Colleen's blog has a wonderful meme where we 'cease' and let God be to experience sabbath moments. There were a few times this week where I was able to just 'cease' and take in the moments the Holy Spirit was pouring forth in my life. They are as follows:
1) There were a few times where I was able to just read, grade and plan for next year's curriculum. Just being able to bask in the quietness and have time for reading and grading is a blessing to me.
2) Spending time with my four year old reading about baby animals. There is a delightful collection of children's books we have on baby animals.
3) The daily moments when my children and I read a passage from the Bible and discuss it. In one of the devotions it said, "The time we spend with God is far more precious to him than the things we do for him." Any thoughts on this statement? I thought it was interesting but do not know if it is so true - especially for busy mothers! I guess it can depend on what 'season of life' we are currently living in.
My Homeschool Week
It is time for The Homeschool Mother's Journal summer edition. Just click on this name to join in.
In my Life this Week: We attended the pasta feast for the swim team. It was great to see all the swim team families. Although my four year old wanted to go in the pool and I had to watch him often and couldn't talk to the adults the whole time. My husband is very busy being the volunteer coordinator so I had to watch my son. I just can't take my eyes off him for long when we're around the pool. I was also very tired on Friday and don't know why. Therefore, I had to be extra careful around the pool. My daughters had fun with their friends and they are very good swimmers so there was no need to watch them too - thankfully! We have a big helping of left over pasta in our refrigerator this week.
My girls were also cooking this week making potato salad and creamy pasta chicken casserole. I'm trying to get them more involved in cooking. I also had to go up on my meds this week. Please pray for me that I can manage better.
In Our Homeschool Summer Week:
Religion: 1) - Presentation and 2) Finding in the Temple 3) Journal - Pentecost
Writing: 1) Completed final draft on book report.
Reading: 1) Pre-schooler - Catholic National Reader and library books 2)The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. My high schooler is a faster reader and will probably get to her summer reading a little later.
Math: 1) Corrections 2) Finding a Square Root 3) Reducing Fractions
Physical Educ: 1) Swim Team practice
Places We're Going/People We're Seeing: Swim Team families, the pool.
My Favorite Thing this Week: Reading with my soon-to-be five year old. His birthday is next week.
Books I'm Reading: Red Moon at Sharpsburg by Rosemary Wells - I'm seriously thinking about letting the kids in the co-op history class I'm teaching next year read this book and do reports on it. It gives a very good account of what times were like during the Civil War period.
Things I'm Working On: 1) I'm working on choosing materials for next year's curriculum.
Question I have: Can Photography count as an Art class?
A Link, Photo, or Quote to Share: "May you acknowledge the voice within and harken to its power and wisdom." Mary Summer Rain
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tea Talk
Ruth's blog has a wonderful meme where one can share a cup of tea and experience quiet times together.
My glass is beige with an elegant design on it.
I am feeling suddenly chilled this morning and I feel like going back to bed to snuggle under the covers. I won't do that though - too much to do. I'm trying to choose some novels for historical relevance for my daughters history class next year. I also have to start early to take on some of the duties to be on the board of our homeschooling co-op next year if I want to be able to manage everything effectively. It's nice and quiet here right now before the kids wake up. I'm not used to it at this time in the morning because we usually do our homeschooling at this time. I'm letting the kids sleep in today.
My prayer "Lord help me to put on a big smile today and greet my children with a warm hello when they wake up."
I will leave you with "An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of thought, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather." Washington Irving
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Eileen is Grateful
It is time to list five things I am thankful for at Judy's blog on this sunny Wednesday morning in Maryland. Once again, remembering the little way God has blessed us in our daily routines of taking care of our families. It is an activity that never grows old and bursts into the realm of our heavenly Father as he hears us praise him for the loving graces he sends our way. "It is God who, in his good will toward you, begets in you any measure of desire or achievement." (Phil. 2:13)
1) I am thankful for my son who helped entertain my four year old at the pool the other day. It gave me the time to do some extra things around the house. He really is quite awesome as my four year old will often try to 'pull my strings' by not listening well when I say 'no' or 'wait.' My older son corrects him for this and my four year old is starting to listen to him. Although he may do it in the form of a brotherly relationship at times, often he does as one of authority who should be listened to. It is wonderful to see how my older sons love and care about their younger brother to do the Godly thing. It can be a challenge for a four year old to learn the proper virtues to keep them content when they can't have what they want or have to wait. I call this the 'Trickle Down Effect' when older children pass on their wisdom to the younger ones. I am grateful that God gives families unity in this area.
2) I am grateful that my high school daughter was able to help my four year old with his letter tiles to make a sentence about the Ascension of Jesus while I jumped in the shower. Many days I do not get to rid myself of 'body clutter' by taking a shower. I will just throw sweats on and put my hair up because I have to do some cleaning. My daughter helped me out yesterday by helping teach my four year old. Yet, another sign of her love for family unity and love of her little brother. Moments when my children help out like this are so important to me.
3) I am thankful for my 'cuddle bug' who fell asleep on my lap last night while I was reading a book. Children grow up so fast and my four year old is the last child I will get to cuddle with in my life. He is pure joy for our family and tries hard to be good. It is amazing how little ones can bring a sense of happiness into the atmosphere of our homes!
4) I am so grateful that my dear husband is willing to be on the board of our homeschool co-op next year with me. I was shocked when he said, "yes." This is the year before my four year old goes into Tiger Cubs and this is the year he will have the time. We're loosing some of our hard working moms from the co-op and need others to step up and fill in when they are gone next year.
5) I am grateful for our wonderful community swimming pool with so many nice families. My husband coordinates the volunteer jobs for parents whose kids are on the swim team. It is a wonderful way to meet families in our community. The kids make wonderful friendships with eachother. In fact, my daughter was influenced by her swim team friend to join the youth group at our Church this summer. This Friday is the spaghettie dinner for the swim team. It will be so nice to see some of these families again.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Simple Woman
Peggy's blog has a wonderful meme to share the simple pleasures we feel in life. Just click on the name to go to this meme.
Outside my window...It is a warm day but cooler than usual. In fact, my four year old didn't want to stay at the pool this afternoon because he was chilly. We have a mixture of blue sky and clouds in the sky here in Maryland on this Tuesday afternoon.
I am thinking...that I need to bring my sons checks to the bank tomorrow before it closes at 5:00 pm.
I am thankful for...children that help out with younger siblings and don't need alot of bells and whistles to be content. This also means that my children do not search out strange things to make them happy. They remain on the straight and narrow which paves a path toward heavenly realities.
From the learning daughter is reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and my high schooler is reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. My four year old is working nicely with his reader and NOL journaling. One of my college sons is teaching his self how to play the guitar.
From the Kitchen...We are having a roast, mashed potatoes, and broccoli and cheese tonight. In fact, I am cooking it while I do this.
I am jean capris with a kelly green summer tee and my favorite brown flip flops.
I am for us to use our sewing machine.
I am going...absolutely nowhere tonight.
I am reading...still The Chosen by Chaim Potok
I am hoping...that my children always say their Morning Offering. My friend made me think of this today as she requested a copy of the prayer to teach her own children. My college sons continue to say it today.
I am hearing...the t.v. on very low while my four year old is watching Toy Story and playing with some kind of wind up toy.
Around the still looks 'lived in.' There are books and papers various places. I picked up my job from the copy center today. I will have something very nice for the little ones at co-op next year.
A few plans for the rest of the week...go to the spaghetti dinner for swim team families this Friday evening.
A picture or thought to leave you with..."Listen to silence; it is worth listening to."
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sabbath Moments
Colleen's blog has a wonderful meme where we 'cease' and let God be to experience sabbath moments. There were a few times this weekend where I was able to just 'cease' and take in the moments the Holy Spirit was pouring forth in my life. They are as follows:
1) Our good friends from New Orleans visited us this past weekend and on Saturday night we were able to sit out on our back deck and reminisce. It was wonderful to catch up and see our good friends. We haven't seen them in years. They are actually two of our children's God parents. There are so many wonderful families we know from New Orleans through our relationship with these people. We've been to weddings and parties and prayer groups with our good friends from New Orleans. It was so good to hear about everyone and know all is good. The kids were all inside playing games and watching t.v. while the adults did their 'adult thing.' We had barbeque shrimp and jambalaya for dinner. It was a wonderful evening to remember good friends and good times. I am grateful for the Holy Spirit to provide us with this time to 'cease' and let God be.
2) Another sabbath moment occurred when my son's girlfriend offered to play with my four year old at the pool. When I went up to pick him up, they were having so much fun throwing a ball around in the two feet. I was able to talk with her while they played ball. It was great to be able to spend time with them while they frolicked in the pool. She is really a very sweet girl and I hope the future holds something special for her and my son. My four year old had so much fun with her. It was really an awesome gesture for her to offer to watch my four year old for a couple of hours. It gave me a nice break on the weekend.
3) My four year old and I were catching 'liteling' (lightening) bugs in the back yard after dinner tonight. He said, "they are the friendliest bugs in the world." Our New Orleans friends do not get lightening bugs. We do here in Maryland. It was a joy to see my son try to catch them and then carry them to me. His boyhood play brings me so much joy and comfort.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Recipe: White Chicken Chili
This is very good slow cooker recipe. Just put everything in and the chicken is so moist that it just breaks up itself when stirred at the end of cooking. I doubled this recipe and brought it to our Maryland tailgating in the fall last year. It was a big hit.
1 1/4 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs
3 cans (15.8 ounces each) great northern beans, rinsed and drained
1 envelope (1.25 ounces) Old El Paso 40% less-sodium taco seasoning mix
1 can (4.5 ounces) Old El Paso chopped green chilies
1 can (10 3/4 ounces) condensed reduced-sodium cream of mushroom soup
Sour cream, if desired
Chopped green onions, if desired
1.) Place chicken in 3 - to 4 - quart slow cooker. Top with remaining ingredients except sour cream and onions.
2.) Cover and cook on low heat setting 8 to 10 hours.
3.) Before serving, stir gently to break up chicken pieces. Serve topped with sour cream and onions. 6 servings (1 1/3 cups each).
1 1/4 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs
3 cans (15.8 ounces each) great northern beans, rinsed and drained
1 envelope (1.25 ounces) Old El Paso 40% less-sodium taco seasoning mix
1 can (4.5 ounces) Old El Paso chopped green chilies
1 can (10 3/4 ounces) condensed reduced-sodium cream of mushroom soup
Sour cream, if desired
Chopped green onions, if desired
1.) Place chicken in 3 - to 4 - quart slow cooker. Top with remaining ingredients except sour cream and onions.
2.) Cover and cook on low heat setting 8 to 10 hours.
3.) Before serving, stir gently to break up chicken pieces. Serve topped with sour cream and onions. 6 servings (1 1/3 cups each).
My Homeschool Week
In my Life this Week: We were able to visit some very good friends while us two moms went to a sewing class together. It was a very enjoyable time. We made simple pillow cases. We were also able to go to the pool a couple of times while my girls had swim team practice. I just watch my four year old play in the two feet while the girls are at practice. My high schoolers first day of swim practice didn't go so good because she didn't eat enough that day. She almost blacked out. She forgot to eat her lunch that day because she was nervous about a final exam. Remember to make sure your kids are well nourished before they play in the hot sun. It is good to see our swim team friends again though. I also had to go up on my meds for my PTSD this week so I do not get overwhelmed with all the scheduling, driving and cleaning. My sons are working as lifeguards and my daughters are on swim team. Therefore, we need to keep up on our schedules for car use.
In Our Homeschool Summer Week:
Religion: 1) - Pentecost and 2) Scourging at the Pillar 3) Journal - The Road to Emmaus
Writing: 1) Completed final draft on IEW summary and started book report.
Reading: 1) Pre-schooler - Catholic National Reader and library books 2)The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis.
Math: 1) Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers 2) Using Manipulative's and Sketches to Divide Fractions 3) Transformations
Music: 1) Piano Lessons and practice.
Physical Educ: 1) Swim Team practice
Places We're Going/People We're Seeing: Swim Team families, the pool, some of my children's Godparents from new Orleans are coming this weekend.
My Favorite Thing this Week: My favorite part of the week was definitely visiting our friends and taking a sewing class.
Books I'm Reading: Still The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Things I'm Working On: 1) Straightening up the house for company this weekend and driving to and from my high schoolers end of the year pool party. I have to send out a graduation card to my sons Godmother and five thank you cards to some homeschool co-op moms that will be leaving our co-op next year. I also have to pick up some work ready for me at a copy center. They have the books the children will use next year to learn the rosary. I'm also thinking about teaching my seventh grader Introduction to Logic and Latin next year. I was looking at Wheelock's Latin. Does anyone know about this?
A Link, Photo, or Quote to Share: We learn more from our mistakes when we aren't so busy denying we made them.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Eileen is Grateful
When we look back over our week to list the things we're thankful for, it puts our ideas about life and our daily responsibilities into proper perspective. Have you ever had a day where it is hard to get going? Well then make a list of what God has done for you and say a prayer of thanksgiving. You will feel a renewed sense of energy to tackle your day. This is what Judy's meme helps me to do each Wednesday. Please click on her name to go to her great meme. Here are the five things I am thankful for this week:
1) I am grateful that my high school daughter takes her academics seriously. She has been studying hard this past week to do good on final exams.
2) I am thankful that my college son was able to rent his off campus apartment to his awesome friend for part of the summer.
3) I am grateful for the time spent cuddling with my prescooler last night and talking to my daughter before bedtime.
4) I am overjoyed for having my two college sons home. Ever since they've been home, my preschooler has become much more independant because they are playing with him. It is a miracle to see this play out in their relationships with eachother.
5) I am very grateful for finally having help tonight to learn how my sewing machine works.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Simple Woman
Peggy's blog has a wonderful meme to share the simple pleasures we feel in life. Just click on the name to go to this meme.
Outside my window...It's very warm with some clouds and haze. I think the birds are taking naps on this warm Maryland afternoon. I just turned our air conditioning on.
I am is going to be a challenge carpooling all five kids to and from the pool. My two oldest have work schedules for lifeguarding, my two middle ones have swim team practice, and my preschooler asks often to go to the pool.
I am thankful for...a healthy summer sport for our family with close proximity to our house and an awesome coach who has a beautiful family.
From the learning daughter is reading The Magician's Nephew and picking out healthy recipes for summer. My high schooler is finishing up exams this week.
From the Kitchen...trying to find a recipe for potatoe salad that all my kids will eat.
I am jogging shorts and matching top with flip flops.
I am creating...a reading binder for my daughter with all the book titles she will read next year. She will also be putting her book reports in this.
I am going...absolutely nowhere. I've been out too much today and I'm exhausted!
I am reading...still The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
I am hoping...that I can say the rosary tonight.
I am hearing...the t.v. on very low while my four year old is watching Nick Jr. and my high school daughter asking him questions about the show while the printer is printing out some of her study guides.
Around the definately looks 'lived in.'
A few plans for the rest of the week...take a sewing class at JoAnn Fabrics with my friend.
A picture or thought to leave you with..."Just because everything is different doesn't mean everything has changed." Irene Peter
Outside my window...It's very warm with some clouds and haze. I think the birds are taking naps on this warm Maryland afternoon. I just turned our air conditioning on.
I am is going to be a challenge carpooling all five kids to and from the pool. My two oldest have work schedules for lifeguarding, my two middle ones have swim team practice, and my preschooler asks often to go to the pool.
I am thankful for...a healthy summer sport for our family with close proximity to our house and an awesome coach who has a beautiful family.
From the learning daughter is reading The Magician's Nephew and picking out healthy recipes for summer. My high schooler is finishing up exams this week.
From the Kitchen...trying to find a recipe for potatoe salad that all my kids will eat.
I am jogging shorts and matching top with flip flops.
I am creating...a reading binder for my daughter with all the book titles she will read next year. She will also be putting her book reports in this.
I am going...absolutely nowhere. I've been out too much today and I'm exhausted!
I am reading...still The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
I am hoping...that I can say the rosary tonight.
I am hearing...the t.v. on very low while my four year old is watching Nick Jr. and my high school daughter asking him questions about the show while the printer is printing out some of her study guides.
Around the definately looks 'lived in.'
A few plans for the rest of the week...take a sewing class at JoAnn Fabrics with my friend.
A picture or thought to leave you with..."Just because everything is different doesn't mean everything has changed." Irene Peter
Monday, June 6, 2011
SOAP: Week 9 - Sirach
S - "Let your acquaintances be many, but one in a thousand your confidant."...."A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy, such as he who fears God finds; For he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself." (Sirach 6: 6, 14-17)
O - Have you a friend that is a good confidant? If so, you are truly blessed. When I first started homeschooling, I felt like I was the only one in the world choosing this way of life. Little by little - God introduced me to more homeschooling families. The families all supported each other with wonderful activities for the children and mothers. Little by little - I met new families with mothers who could be good friends. Today, I am glad to say that I have a real friend in one of my homeschool mothers. It took years to find a confidant like this friend. I greatly admire her and her family. It is wonderful to see homeschooling moms be able to support each other in holy friendship.
A - Always be a good listener when your friends are talking to you. Oftentimes, it is hard to listen when children are making too much noise or need attention. I guess the younger the children are - the more attention they need. Moms with older children can be a great help to mothers with a lot of young ones. Be there for them and support them. Do not remain in a situation where you form a kind of 'click.' Share your gifts and treasures and be known for your love of the faith!
P - I pray that homeschooling mothers will find joy and peace in each others company to support and uplift one another without over scheduling their activities together.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sabbath Moments
Colleen's blog has a wonderful place where we can share sabbath moments together. Just click on her name to go to her wonderful meme.
1) My daughter had two dance recitals on Saturday at a local high school auditorium. I was a chaperon for one of the recitals and therefore, stayed in one of the classes while they waited to perform. It was a joy to see the girls practicing in the hallway in their beautiful ballet costumes. There dance was to the song 'White Horse.' During the morning show, I had the opportunity to walk around the track in the back of the school while I waited to be a chaperon. It was a very peaceful moment while I exercised with the morning sun beating down on me. I could remember back in my high school days when I ran track. There was another person who was sprinting around the track. I knew I couldn't run like that anymore as I felt the mild arthritis in my hips acting up at the end of my walk. Nevertheless, it was a very peaceful moment for me because I was taking the time to gently exercise and be outdoors on this beautiful morning.
2) It was also such a joy to be able to play badminton in our back yard with my husband and children. My four year old kept running around the yard with the volleyball while we were playing. He was playing with my older son. My daughters would laugh often when they had difficulty hitting the birdie. It was great to be able to just relax and play as a family.
3) I had a very special moment talking to my mother on the phone while my husband took my two youngest children to the pool. The sun was out and I was drinking iced tea while watching a monarch butterfly flutter around all the branches of our tulip poplar tree. It was heart warming to hear her voice as she has had many aches and pains lately. She was feeling good today. After my husband came home, we all said the family rosary together.
Friday, June 3, 2011
My Homeschool Week
It is time for The Homeschool Mother's Journal summer edition. Just click on this name to join in.
In my Life this Week: We had our last co-op this week with a Mass at the ending. The children were all so good. We will be gathering for our end-of-the-year picnic soon. My two college sons are in full swing working as lifeguards now. One of them had to save a little girl already. I'm so proud of him. My high schooler only has one more week of school left for exams. It has been a hectic week scheduling when and who is using the cars. Therefore, I'm glad we are on a light schedule.
In Our Homeschool Summer Week:
Religion: 1) - The Wedding at Cana and 2) The Proclamation of the Kingdom 3) Journal - The Resurrection
Writing: 1) Completed first draft on IEW summary.
Reading: 1) William Bennett's - The Moral Compass and The Book of Virtues 2) Pre-schooler - Catholic National Reader and library books 3)The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis.
Math: 1) Corrections 2) Converting Units of Capacity 3) Pre-schooler - MCP Math
Music: 1) Piano Lessons and practice.
Physical Educ: 1) Ballet Rehearsal and Recitals 2) Swim Team practice
Places We're Going/People We're Seeing: Co-op families, Swim Team families, the pool, the pool, and the pool again.
My Favorite Thing this Week: My favorite part of the week was definately our co-op Mass.
Books I'm Reading: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Things I'm Working On: 1) Right now I'm getting a list of literature recommendations for my seventh grader from 2) I also finished preparing a book to teach our pre-k and kindergardners in the co-op the rosary for next year. 3) I just received a beach ball of the world for my dance and movement class and am currently working on a song for the children. 4) I have to put my daughter's hair up for her ballet recital tonight. We will be busy a good part of this weekend with her recital.
A Link, Photo, or Quote to Share: It takes 26 muscles to smile and 62 muscles to frown.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Eileen is Grateful
What a wonderful opportunity to learn and share what others are thankful for this week. Just go to Judy's blog to link up to this wonderful meme.
1) I'm thankful for my Blessed Mother statue that my husband moved from the back yard to the front yard this week. I can see it out my kitchen window. This just happens to be where you can find me often. My parents gave it to me on my 30th birthday. I want to plant flowers all around it. The spot gets alot of sun with a small amount of shade. Any flower suggestions?
2) I'm grateful for the rosary we said together on Memorial Day. We couldn't grill because we had to buy a new one. My beautiful children didn't complain and were just as happy to pray together.
3) I'm thankful for the wonderful friends my sons have during their college years. Some were visiting with them this past week and they are all so sweet. I feel like melting when I see how awesome my sons are growing up to be. I don't think they know they have this power over me. Maybe they do.
4) I'm grateful for the Mass we can have on our last day of co-op. We really are blessed that the priest takes time for us.
5) I'm thankful for our awesome dog. Her name is Abby and she is a husky shepherd mix. She likes to sleep and cuddle. She is also a good watch dog. My father found her for us years ago.
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