Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - March 2017

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for March 2017.

Outside my is peaceful and the birds are chirping. There is a slight cloud coverage and the temp may be around 60. 

I am Thinking...that I hope my neighbor likes the Reese's Peanut Butter and Milk Chocolate Chip Layered Cheesecake I made for them as an apology for asking them to greet me with a hello if they see me close by. I thought they were purposely ignoring me when they didn't say hello or good bye to me. I've developed too much anxiety about being rejected. I need to stop depending on others to fulfill my need to belong and feel welcomed. Although, I am teaching my own son to greet their parents as a matter of respect and good manners.

I am Thankful...for the fun family gathering we had this past weekend. Here are some pics:

In the Kitchen...Last night I made Roasted Garlic and Herb Pork Loin Filet, New Potato Bake, and Fresh Green Beans

I am sweat pants and a green and black tee.

I am Creating...A lesson to teach the first through third graders at our homeschool coop on the Wright Brothers and Aerodynamics.

I am Looking Forward to...not having to do too much shopping. The crowds in stores around here seem to be very serious and unfriendly recently.  It is very depressing.

I am Hearing...a nicer tone from our local pastor.  He often had an angry tone and suddenly his tone changed for the better this past weekend.  I hope it continues.

Around the House...We finally have a nice downstairs where our children can bring their friends to hang out.  We have a new floor and wall put in and cleared much of the clutter out.  There is more clutter to clear out too.  We also got some waterproofing done.

I am Praying...for my brother who might have colon cancer. I am also praying for my mother who is very worried.

One of My Favorite Things...was seeing my son's new conversion van he bought.  We call it the "scooby doo" van. Here is a pic:

A Few Plans for Next Week...get some moles removed off of my face.

Here is a recent pic to share of my hubby and daughter at the father daughter dance with her school :