Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - December 2017

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for December 2017.

Outside my Window... The weather was nice the first few days of Advent.  Hubby and I went on some walks at the beginning of Advent.  That's how nice it was in Maryland for December.  It must have been in the high 60's.  Our family lit the Advent wreath at the first Advent Mass and brought up the gifts.  We had three of our children with us and my son's fiancĂ©e.  Today, for Christmas day, it is quite cold.  It is sunny but there is a cold wind coming through our town.  No more walks outside.  Therefore, I went to walk on the treadmill at the gym after we all opened our presents.

I am Thinking...that I have five beautiful children that are all close and have kept the faith!

I am Thankful... for being able to go get our Christmas tree with hubby and two of the kids.  We played Christmas music and decorated it together.  It was a pretty sight to see this Christmas morn with all the gifts underneath it.

In the Kitchen...last night the girls made pizza after Christmas Eve Mass.  Tonight we're having beef tenderloin.  This morning the kids all made a Christmas breakfast.

I am sweats and a black warm up shirt.

I am Creating...a new Creation display for my dance and music homeschool classes.

I am Looking Forward to...Going to a spiritual mission at a local Church.  The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal were there and my son's spiritual director was there too.  It was nice to meet him.

I am Hearing... Christmas music is playing and everyone is on their devices.  

Around the House...We still have to find someone to buy our piano and to give away our couch.

I am Praying...for all my children.  

One of My Favorite Things...was having Thanksgiving with my family.  It was good to see my mom.  She is 85 years old. Also spending Christmas with the family.

A Few Plans for Next Week...going out to lunch with my friend, her daughter, and my daughter.

Here are some recent pics of the family at Thanksgiving time and Christmas time:

Friday, October 6, 2017

SOAP: Week 10 - Sirach

SOAP: Scripture verse, Observation, Application, and Prayer.

S - "My child, from your youth choose discipline; and when you have gray hair you will find wisdom.  As though plowing and sowing, draw close to her; then wait for her bountiful crops.  For in cultivating her you will work but little, and soon you will eat her fruit."  (Sirach 6: 18-19)

O - I have a very close relationship with a disciplined individual in my husband.  I've seen him grow after his heart surgery.  He is very disciplined about what he eats and getting enough exercise now.  I wish I can be more like him.  My eating habits and exercise can both improve.  Not to mention, some bad habits I've picked up from my youth.  I also wish I could clean and purge clutter in my house better.  My hubby can sit down and read for lengths on end while I get distracted and side tracked.  That is the whole reason why I'm doing this SOAP meme for me to improve on my discipline skills.  I enjoy reading scripture and trying to apply it to my life.

A - This will be my application of discipline in my life if I want to lose weight and be healthy:

Prayer:  Say the devotion and decade of the rosary with my son every day.  Say the St. Michael's prayer on EWTN every day.  Go to adoration at least once a week and say rosary or read something spiritual.

Diet:  Eat no more than 300 calories per meal and no snacking until I reach my desired weight.

Exercise: At least three times a week at the gym and continue walks with hubby (I walk on the treadmill or ride the bike for 30 minutes at the gym.)  I also need to lift my hand weights at home twice a day.

Cleaning/Purging: Pick one small area every day to clean and purge (believe me...there is plenty around here to keep me busy.)  Also, to keep a clean sink.

Reading:  Do a SOAP meme every week, keep up on my son's homeschool grading, read at least 30 minutes to an hour per day, Write the Word from every day.

Cooking:  Try at least one new recipe a week.

P - Dear Lord, please help mothers who have to manage their time on their own be able to meet the needs of their families with grace and discipline.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - September 2017

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for September 2017.

Outside my Window... The sun is shining and the sky is blue.  It is beautiful around 73 or so.

I am Thinking...that I'm glad that I was able to go to 5:00 p.m. Mass.  Everyone else went to 8:30 a.m. Mass.

I am Thankful... for the two homeschool coops we are in this year.

In the son and his girlfriend are making us chicken, pasta, and asperigus

I am Wearing...Blue jean capris, purple and blue striped tee, grey and pink jacket, and flip flops.

I am Creating...a plan for my chemistry class to teach the kids about chemical bonds with legos, marshmallows, and toothpicks.

I am Looking Forward to...My turn in the coop when I'm not the lead teacher.  I am the lead teacher for the first three classes.

I am Hearing...  My son and his girlfriend and my daughter and her boyfriend all watching the Green Bay Packers game.

Around the House...We still have to find someone to buy our piano and to give away our couch.

I am Praying...for all my children.  

One of My Favorite Things...was tailgating at a new place the last Maryland game.

A Few Plans for Next Week... have my journal writing class tomorrow. 

Here are some recent pics of my sons camping trip: 


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - July and August 2017

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for July and August 2017.

Outside my Window... The sky is presently covered with misty white clouds in July and it feels like it is in the ninety's.  I think we may get an afternoon shower. It is humid. In August today, it is in the low eighties as a high and a beautiful sunny day.

I am Thinking...that I hope the Lord guides the progress of my children.  

Colin/26 - July: Defended his thesis today and was approved to receive his Ph.D. in Fire Protection Engineering.  I am so proud and amazed with this son of mine.  He will be heading up to Philly to meet my other son.  August: My son is getting ready to go live with some Franciscan monks in New York for a whole year.

Brandyn/25 - July: Just returned home for helping to lead young adults in a service project with the Church.  He is on his way to Philadelphia tonight to see his girlfriend. August: Spending time with a priest at University of Maryland with Colin today.

Kristen/21 - July:  Just returned from a trip to Bethany Beach and New York City with her boyfriend.  Her boyfriend picked her up after work and they went out to dinner. August: Just returned from a mission trip to Belize in Central America.

Claire/17 - July:  Just returned from the service project with the Church that my older son helped to lead.  She went out tonight with some friends to a local restaurant. August: Packing and doing last minute things before she heads off to University of Nebraska.

Patrick/10 - July:  He is spending his last night of camping with the boy scouts and his father this week.  They will be home tomorrow.  August: Playing with his neighborhood friends.

July:  I just returned from adoration to pray for my health and my children.  They all came home and they all left.  Things are happening so fast.  I really needed to spend time with the Lord tonight.  August: Colin and Claire are getting ready to travel to New York and Nebraska.

I am Thankful... In July, I was thankful for one of the moms in our homeschool coop who came over to help me out with a tricky experiment tonight.  We have to buy the right kind of LED to make batteries out of lemons. In August, I was thankful for a wonderful vacation with our family in Ocean City, Maryland.

In the Kitchen...In July, the kids seemed to eat and run tonight.  I'm glad a was able to buy Marie Calendars Chicken Pot Pies which Brandyn had to eat for dinner.  Claire made pasta and sausage. She made too many sausages so I helped eat the left over one. Kristen went out to dinner and Colin ate after his presentation on his thesis. In August, we are having grilled salmon, grilled asparagus, and corn on the cob.

I am Wearing...Black Blue jean shorts with a turquoise and blue top and flip flops.

I am Creating...In July, all the crafts for the journal writing class I'll be teaching in the fall.  I'm teaching eight classes for four to six year old's. I have completed making supplies for seven of the eight classes.  I can't wait because it is going to be fun.  The leader of the other coop in Knoxville suggested that no one teach religion lessons.  Therefore, I had to fix my Creation display and song.  I rewrote the song and changed one of the pictures on my display. In August, I'm working on teaching chemistry to the first through third graders at the coop.

I am Looking Forward to...In July, my husband and son to come home tomorrow.  In August, I'm looking forward to traveling to Nebraska to bring Claire to college with my husband.

I am Hearing... Just the other day in July, I was copying a book for my son who is giving his dissertation to get his Ph.D. in engineering on Friday (today).  Therefore, I hear the copier and some music my son is playing while he is on the computer. I can't wait to go and hear him on Friday. The book is written in French but the formulas are what he needs.  I've seen him writing all these complex mathematical formulas before.  I don't know how he reads them.

The dog just finished barking at our neighbor walking with her grandchild.  She was looking out the door.  I think her eyesight is getting bad. I took her to the vet today to get a blood test because she was acting funny yesterday.  Her tail was down and she was following me around and wasn't her perky self at all.  It is the second time it happened.  I don't know why she does this.  I think she has PTSD.

In August, I hear someone mowing their grass in the neighborhood and my daughter and her boyfriend talking in the living room.

Around the House...In July, even though we cleared out much of the basement, we still have to clear out the back room and the garage. We just got a new air conditioning unit in the attic.  The air conditioning enters our kitchen now.  It didn't before.  Now it is nice and cool.  My husband should be helping me clean out the back room and the garage rather than writing songs for the swim team.  It is not necessary that he do this and it takes tons of time.  He is not sitting on the couch with me for thirty minutes anymore either.  It is supposed to help my recovery from when I was hospitalized at the beginning of the summer.

In August, after we return from Nebraska...we will look into selling the piano, getting rid of a couch, and possibly buying another flat screen t.v. and area rug for the living room.  We still need to clear out the back room and the garage.  Dh finally sat on the couch with me last night.

I am Praying...for all my children.  Like I said, things are happening so fast now and they are all growing up.  I am so grateful for each of them.  They don't know how much I love them.

One of My Favorite Things...was seeing Dr. Colin Miller, Ph.D. defend his thesis and taking vacation with my family.

A Few Plans for Next Week...start physical therapy for my left hip.  I have to teach a dance and movement class in the fall.  I need my hip to stop hurting.

Here are some recent pics when we brought our daughter to University of Nebraska to share:

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - June 2017

I am participating in a Simple Woman's Daybook for June 20th, 2017.

Outside my is warm and sunny today. The kids had swim team practice and my two daughters taught swim lessons to the little ones.  I was able to sit out on the back porch for a little while listening to the radio.

I am Thinking...that I'm glad I started a self-esteem journal:  

Self-Esteem Journal: WB - June 14, 2017


Something I did well today…
I made my own Starbucks drink:  Chocolate Mint Latte (Venti – 100 calories – 35 cents) I saved $5.00 for making my own Starbucks drink.


Today I had fun when…
I ate too much popcorn.  (Not good, but it was fun.)  I regretted it afterwards!  The new meds I’m on may be making me hungrier.  I’m going to have to dial back my eating habits.


I felt proud when…
I completed a journal entry for the month of June for A Simple Woman’s Daybook. I recorded the brief status of all the children.


Today I accomplished…
I arranged an appointment with the psychiatrist at the hospital since I’m transitioning from Greenwald.  I also arranged the medication administration for the prescription two days afterwards.


I had a positive experience with…
A forty minute workout at the gym.  I spent thirty minutes on the treadmill.  It was a hot day and too difficult to walk outside for long.


Something I did for someone…
I gave Fred’s sons popsicles because they were working on the back deck in the hot sun! They really do a great job, and I love the way Fred teaches his sons a skill while he works.


I felt good about myself when…
I got up early to be on time for outpatient  therapy.  The staff at the hospital are very good and give me good ideas to help my progress.  This form is one of their ideas.


I was proud of someone else…
When a fellow patient managed difficult traffic and helped her mom at the same time.  I wish I could help my mom more but she lives too far away.  Also, traffic can be a challenge for me at times.


Today was interesting because…
Someone said, “they stayed in the now.” = PRESENT MOMENT - They didn’t know when to stop talking about it which shows they credit themselves rather than God. Anyway, it is a start. I also didn’t reveal that we need to be gracious to God rather than ourselves.  People are very touchy when it comes to religion.


I felt proud when…
I went grocery shopping at 6:00 a.m. to hear the Safeway employees jamming to oldies.  I bought all the items for the Swim Team Pasta Feast.


A positive thing I witnessed…
Patrick woke up to make his own eggs today without being asked to do it.  He even said he would make eggs for me every day.


Today I accomplished…
I bought my Melalueca products (shampoo, crème rinse, dish soap, healthy drink mixes and snack bars, sun lotion, chap stick).  I took my vitamins and healthy drinks today.  I also made the pasta dish for the Pasta Dinner on Friday.


Something I did well today…
I got up early and walked Bella and was ready to attend outpatient therapy on time.  I had a good session with the therapist, Lauren, who helped me with my discharge plans. I also made the dessert for the swim team pasta dinner.


I had a positive experience with
(a person, place, thing)…
Claire’s friend Etta’s parents.  They took the girls to a graduation celebration and Claire was able to spend the night at Etta’s house.  We had happy hour together for about 40 minutes or so when I dropped Claire off and her parents are so nice.


I was proud of someone when…
Peyton takes the CLEP classes at Montgomery College so only studies quickly and takes the test.  It is an accelerated pace for taking the classes.  I complimented her.  I was also proud of Clarice who forgave her mother-in-law.


Today I had fun when…
I attended a social gathering for Alumni parents from my daughters’ high school.  I’m so glad I went as I met some wonderful people including the head of the first Oakcrest School when it was located in WDC.


Something I did for someone…
I sent a wonderful mom an email message that I will be coming to an event at the YUMA center for women. It is on organization…boy do I need this!


I felt good about myself when…
I finally got to organize my clothes and shoes in my bedroom.  The men are coming over to fix the air conditioning and I have to tidy up the place.


A positive thing I witnessed…
My daughter and her boyfriend are so close and very happy together.  It is wonderful to see them interact together.


Today was interesting because…
My brother, who has colon cancer, decided to stop by and wish my hubby a Happy Father’s Day.


I felt proud when…
I helped make shish kabobs on the grill for Father’s Day dinner.

I am Thankful...for being able to pay some medical bills this morning.

In the Kitchen...We may be having pork chops...again.  It seems we have them every time I do a Simple Woman's Journal entry.

I am Wearing...Grey shorts with green trim and a grey tee with black flip flops.

I am Creating...I finished the craft for journal class but had to change the date from tomorrow to July 5th.

I am Looking Forward to...the Pancake breakfast tomorrow morning.  I have to make eggs, sausage, and cheese.

I am Hearing...absolutely nothing except my daughter walking and touching things in the kitchen occasionally.  My ten year old went to the pool with the neighbors and I picked my daughter up early from life guarding. My oldest just woke up from a nap.

Around the House...The dog is staring out the front door being the watch dog. Here is a recent pic of Bella with me:

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, dog
I am Praying...for my that next year it runs smoothly that I am assisting with teaching science classes in the homeschool coop. 

One of My Favorite Things...was meeting and talking to the moms in the coop the other night about the classes, budget, and schedules.

A Few Plans for Next Week... schedule a physical for my daughter to go to college in the fall.

Here are some recent pics to share of our meal on Father's Day:

Image may contain: food
shish kabobs

Image may contain: people sitting, people eating and food
A creation from my daughter's boyfriend