I'd like to post to Deo Gratias where we list five things we are thankful for this week.
1) I'm thankful that my eight year old son was moved up to eight and unders on the swim team. He advanced from a 30 minute practice to a 45 minute practice and now is able to swim in some meets. His first eight and under practice he couldn't do the whole duration of the practice. He almost quit. I went up to him and told him to stretch and take some breaths and afterwards, he jumped right back in. Now he practices the whole 45 minutes with no problem. He has been in three swim meets and is doing great. I'm so glad I was able to talk some sense into him at his first practice. I knew he could do it.
2) I'm grateful for coming up with a plan for my next journal writing class. I found some fun animal crafts off the internet. My daughter gave me the idea for the bible verse we will discuss. We will be reading from one of Aesop's Fables.
3) I'm grateful that my oldest son, Colin, came to eat dinner with us and visit with us when he attended a party near our house. I was able to go to Mass with him the next morning. It is always a warm feeling when my sons visit us from college. They have kept the Faith!
4) I'm thankful that we had nice weather for the parish picnic, bonfire, and dive in movie. Here are some pics:
5) I am grateful that my daughter won $200.00 from the Men's Club at our parish. They award prizes to seniors for their service in the parish. This will help pay for her books at college.