Expressions from our Youngest

Expressions from our Youngest
Love it!

Friday, March 30, 2012

My Homeschool Week

It is time once again to participate in The Homeschool Mother's Journal to share with others things we've done and experienced during our week.

In my life this week...

The weather in Maryland has gotten a little cooler this week.  I've been inside more often and bundled up in sweats and/or a robe.  This is only because I think I'm allergic to cold weather (just kidding).   I do this often when it is cold or cool.  It doesn't effect my husband and kids as much.  In fact, my husband is laying the mulch down in the yard this week.  It has been nice talking to my husband in the evenings on our back deck this week regarding his work, our finances, and the education of our kids.  We needed to iron out some important things.

Both of my daughters are successfully enrolled at a wonderful private school next year.  Therefore, I will just be homeschooling my first grade son next year.  I have a Journal Writing Class, a fun Music Class, and Tiger Cubs with my husband planned for him already next year.  I think I'll need to get in better shape over the summer to keep up with him next year!

Speaking of summer, my two daughters and youngest son are gearing up for Swim Team.  My oldest daughter, Kristen, will have a volunteer job at a local hospital over the summer as she wants to go into nursing.  We are so proud of her because we witness her taking on a leadership role with her peers when group projects need to be completed or team efforts come into play.  She has also, numerous times, turned to her Spanish teacher for help and increased her studying to raise her grade and understand the subject better.

In our homeschool, we are now more focused on our Summer Schedule of Math, Latin, Religion, and Writing/Reading (we also have to finish our History).

In our homescool week....

Math:  Reducing by Grouping Factors Equal to One and Dividing Fractions; Common Denominators, Part 1; Test; Common Denominators, Part 2; Corrections; View Dive CD on Mentally Dividing by 10 and 100.

Religion:  Unit 2, Chapter 3 on Jesus' Forgiveness:  Compared two religious articles: 1) "Obstacle Course" and 2) "Sound Bite"; Religion Class:  Charity (like giving someone fish) vs. Social Justice (teaching someone to fish)

Writing:  Completed Final Draft with Bible Verse on paper titled "Giving Joy."  Also completed Dress Ups and Sentence Starters for this paper.  Continued to edit book report titled, "Girl of Kosovo."

Latin:  Second Declension (masculine only); Choose Indirect Objects and Translate; Translate in Latin, Parse, Diagram, and Translate to English; Indirect Objects and Dative of Reference; Chapter Reading - Translate "The Trojan Horse" summary into English.

Kindergarten:  Journal/Religion - The Scourging at the Pillar (Co-op Class) and Jonah and the Whale; Math -  Addition and Subtraction; Phonics; Science - Rocks are Part of the Land; Reading; Map Skills - Natural and Man-Made Boundaries and Direction; History - Family Tree; Prayer - Morning Offering and Rosary.

I am inspired by...The judges on the Supreme Court who respect the Constitution.

I'm Cooking...Grill Cheese sandwiches for lunch and Salmon for dinner on this Friday during Lent.

A quote to share...

"May your moccasins cross the threshold of Truth, And may your trail lead into the beauty beyond." 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Shepherding a Child's Heart

Welcome to the Miller Household and the kickoff of our book discussion of Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp hosted by Amanda Pelser.  Grab a cup of tea and meet some wonderful parents trying to lead their children to truth and be inspired by an awesome author Tedd Tripp.  You can join in the discussion by going to Amanda's directions at

My husband and I have been married 25 years now and have really been able to witness to the fruits of homeschooling our children during their elementary and middle school years.  Upon reaching ninth grade, three of them (so far) have been able to attend wonderful private high schools where faith is still central.  If I could give my homeschool a name, it would be:  A PLACE FOR ME.  This is because we've decided that the education of our children will always have a place for JESUS.  When we go out into society, we can encounter some who are constantly trying to rid our country from the love of Christ.  Our homes and schools have all been environments where we can make Christ the nucleus (powerhouse) of all our efforts. 

My two oldest sons. Colin (21) and Brandyn (20), attend the University of Maryland and are very active in the Catholic Student Center there with a wonderful priest.  My oldest daughter, Kristen (15), attends a devout private high school where the Theology department and advisory programs are tremendously transparent and service-oriented which gives parents real confidence in all their efforts.  My two youngest, Claire (12) and Patrick (5), are still currently homeschooled.

I'm looking forward to discovering more of what this book will teach us and getting to know all the participants.  It is a joy to share our Christian lives with eachother!  The first posts will be Monday, April 2.  Happy reading!

"Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp is an excellent book that gives parents direction in applying biblical principles to raising their children. I am honored to be invited to submit a guest post for Chapter 1. Please go to this link to view my analysis.

The link for your guest post is:

Thank you!

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Homeschool Week

It is time once again for The Homeschool Mother's Journal which is a great way to recap your week.  In a way, it is like an inventory of what has occurred and a great keepsake for memories.

In my life this week...

We have been blessed with Spring-like weather here in Maryland this week while my two college sons came home for their Spring break.  It is wonderful to have them home and therefore, we are taking it easier this week in regards to homeschooling. 

My oldest visited a friend who goes to college in New York for a few days.  After his sweet sweet girlfriend picked him up from the bus stop, they came to our house and colored eggs with my five year old.  It is so great to see my two oldest sons interact with my five year older.  He looks up to them soooo much and they love him immensly. 

My second oldest son has a doctor appointment tomorrow for just a check up on his fractured color bone.  He finally is over the pain and discomfort of having to wear a sling and deal with this injury.  I am so grateful because it hasn't been easy for him.

My daughters are both doing well.  My oldest daughter is getting extra help from her Spanish teacher this week as she goes to a private high school.  My youngest daughter may join her there next year, but we're not sure we can afford it.  Then I would only have a first grader in homeschool next year.  I will have to find activities to keep him busy.

In our homeschool week...

We talked about the Eight Peaceful Reform Movements in America for History and kept up our early morning routine for Saxon Math and Voyages in English. 

I have been giving my seventh grader more supplemental problems in Math to help her retain the rules to memory better.  My five year old was frustrated the other day in Math.  Therefore, I gave him a set of easier problems.  The following day, he asked me if he could go back to try the harder problems again!

My five year old continued his journaling with the Bible story of Elijah and The Sorrowful Mysteries.

My middle schooler completed her book report on "God's Smuggler" and is currently doing another one on "The Girl of Kosovo."  She also finished her final drafts on a physicist report for Science and her paper titled "His Simple Way."  She utilizes IEW - (Institute for Excellence in Writing) techniques in her writing assignments.  I highly recommend this approach!

I am inspired by... Johnette Benkovich.

Questions/Thoughts I have...

Do any of you think about subjects you may continue in the summer?  I believe with my middle schooler I will focus on Math and Latin and occasional writing projects combines with reading short stories.  My to be first grader will continue with everything but at a slower pace.

Things I'm Working on...

I am trying to eat healthier and take vitamins and iron.  I am also on medicine for hyperplasia which if it doesn't clear up in three months, I may have to have a hysterectomy.  I've been keeping a journal of what I've been eating on a daily basis.  I've lost five pounds.

Some Pictures to Share...

Winter Sports Award Banquet: My Daughter received Most Improved Swimmer.

Three Amigos in our Homeschool Co-op

My Journal Writing Class

My son doing Math

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Homeschool Week

It is time for the Homeschool Mother's Journal again.  It is a great opportunity to record and share what we've done with our kids the past week.  Please click on the link to join the fun.  Below are some highlights from our week:

1)  In my life this was so much fun being able to see my daughter and her swim team friends honored at Winter Sports Night at her high school.  The coach is outstanding and makes it a lot of fun for the girls.  My other daughter was just accepted to the school for next year.  She is very excited.  Therefore, I will just be homeschooling my five year old next year.  I'm going to have to come up with some creative ideas to keep him busy.

2)  In our homeschool week...

Math - Writing Decimal Numbers in Expanded Notation; mentally Multiplying Decimal Numbers by 10 and 100; Completed Two Graphs from Data Collection and Surveys; Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Regrouping.

English - Diagramming Relative Pronouns as Subjects, Direct Objects, and Objects of Prepositions in Complex Sentences.

Religion - Analyzed connection between two Religious articles titled:  "A Different Kingdom" and "A Child Shall Lead Them."  Afterward middle schooler listed the Kingdom Parables and we discussed this site  Kingdom Parables.

Latin - Syllabication, Accents, and Pronunciation for Vocabulary Words.  Studied and quizzed orally.

History - Read Chapter on World War II - The American Home Front and Completed Workbook.  Also completed 'For Further Study' on WWII era movies, Bob Hope, Kilroy, etc.

Science - Finished Draft on Physicist Report

Writing - First Draft on Book Report for "God's Smuggler."  Also edited first draft and then completed final draft for "Magic Thread."

Reading - Read 'Seven Sons' in Comprehension Workbook and 'The Prophecy Fulfilled' and 'The Last Sacrifice' in Thinking Skills.

Vocabulary - Took written exam and completed the next lesson.

Art - Painted animal symbol of dove during Noah's Ark to represent peace.

Geography - Central America and Caribbean Islands

Music - Piano Lesson and practice

Phys. Ed. - Skipped ballet to attend Sport Night.

3)  I am inspired OB GYN.  He knew right away that I may have an imbalance of hormones.  After tests were taken, his hypothesis was correct.  I will have to take progesterone for three months.

4)  Places we're going and people we're seeing...It was great to see the parents of all my daughter's friends at her high school.  We also attended the musical at my daughter's high school.  It was very well done.  95% of the play was singing and dancing.

5)  My favorite thing this week...was when my oldest son came home from college last weekend and surprised me.  It was great to see him.  He was able to get an internship this summer so we are very excited for him.  He is majoring in Engineering.  Last semester he received a 4.0!  We are so proud of him.  He was able to go snow boarding with some friends while he was home and take a break from college life.

6)  Questions/thoughts I have...How do some homeschoolers have so much time to blog?  I am so impressed by all the information many of you are able to share on your blogs.  I find that I have little time for blogging.

7)  A photo, video, link, or quote to share..."The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.  They must be felt with the heart."  Helen Keller